
Revision as of 6 November 2014 14:01 by sannanordgren (Comments | Contribs) n

This is the page that opens when you start jalbum.

  1. This button allows you to login to your account. If you have purchased a license for jAlbum, the license will automatically be activated when you login. Once you are logged in, this button changes to a log out button.
  2. This is JAlbum's notification center. It notifies you when there is a new jAlbum update, skin update, when the account is about to expire and a lot of other things.
  3. This is the list of all your album projects, they can be sorted as recent, a-z or z-a. Click on a project and it will open.
  4. You can create a new album project by selecting Empty project.
  5. Add images to a new album project by clicking add or drag and drop images or folders from the file system.
  6. Here you can select skin and style. If you click the gearwheel the skin settings will open and if click on the info symbol the skin information window will open.
  7. This settings button opens jalbum's settings.