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Set the applications interface to your preferred language.
JAlbum>Explore>Contextual menus>Between thumbnails>Large thumbnails
Show thumbnails as large sized.
JAlbum>Explore>Contextual menus>Between thumbnails>Label type
Select the information to display, filename, total, comment or keyword.
JAlbum>Menus>Help>License information
Opens the 'About' jAlbum window where the license details are shown under the 'Application' tab.
Play Safe with jAlbum > The lifeboat file
Preferences > Projects > Include the lifeboat file
Jalbum > Menus > File > Import settings from published album...
JAlbum>Where are all my files>Lifeboat files and backing up/migrating your files
Back up all project settings, including image captions, titles and applied filters.
Managing images with jAlbum>Link
Also known as a shortcut, it points to the file of interest, saving hard disc space by not having multiple copies of the file. A small curved arrow in the lower left of the thumbnail indicates the item is a link to a file. Broken links are indicated by a large red 'X' over the thumbnail, broken links occur if you move the original files.
jAlbum>Settings>Pages>Image linking from thumbnails>Link to original images only
Thumbnails link to originals only
jAlbum>Settings>Pages>Image linking from thumbnails>Link to originals via scaled
Thumbnails link to scaled down slide images and from there to originals.
jAlbum>Settings>Pages>Image linking from thumbnails>Link to scaled-down images only
Thumbnails link to slide images only.
jAlbum>Settings>Pages>Link to homepage
Create a link back to your home page.
JAlbum>Explore>Contextual menus>On thumbnails>>Extensions>List metadata
Display xmp, exif etc. metadata
jAlbum>Edit>View and edit properties>Location
Shows location on a map of where an image was taken
jAlbum>Project Gallery>Location
Shows if gallery is showing recent projects or those in 'My albums'
Information on the location a photo or video, was taken.
jAlbum>Preferences>General>Logging level
The level of diagnostic/error reporting that is reported to the user.
Add logos to images.
jAlbum>Preferences>General>Look and feel
Change the appearance of Jalbum.