Contents |
jAlbum>Edit>View and edit properties>Variables
Variables used in the skin code to produce albums. Some skins provide easy access to these variables, such as title, label and filename.
jAlbum>Settings>Videos>Advanced Settings>Variables
Variables that control video processing.
Variants are multiple copies of images, scaled to provide small images to mobile phones, medium sized images to tablets and large images for desktop devices.
Developers, with jAlbum 24 to 28.1 only For debugging use only! For help with debugging variants by adding a text overlay of variant sizes to images see:
jAlbum>Preferences>General>Logging level
Running jAlbum from the command line> -DdebugVariants
jAlbum>Settings>Videos>Video Settings
Video settings.
jAlbum>Preferences>Advanced>Video support
Reprocess videos as mp4.
Show, or hide, the project's address bar in the explore window
View Filter bar CMD/CNTRL + F
Show, or hide, the filter bar in explore view
Select, from filename, title, comments or keywords, information to be shown in explore mode.
Increase the thumbnail size in explore view.
The different ways of displaying and interacting with projects and their contents. The view modes are Edit, Explore, Preview, Review and Share.
The different ways of viewing projects and albums.