JAlbum>Explore>Contextual menus>On thumbnails>Rating
jAlbum>Edit>RAW>RAW file Editing
RAW file editing.
Jalbum>preferences>General>Recent Projects
A list of the projects that you have recently opened.
jAlbum>Edit>Image editing (toolbar)>2.11 Undo
Multiple level undo and redo for many operations (move, rename etc).
Settings>Advanced>General>Ignore pattern
Regular expressions are a means of finding, manipulating and/or replacing text
JAlbum>Menus>Tools>Skin developer>Reload skin CMD/CNTRL + R
Reload the current skin.
Jalbum>Preferences>Explorer>Remember last selected item
When a project opens the location of the last selected object, when the project was last closed, will be selected.
Jalbum>preferences>General>Remember last window position and size
Application will open in the same position and at the same window size as used in the previous session
JAlbum>Explore>Projects pane>Contextual Menu >Rename
Rename the current project.
JAlbum>Explore>Projects pane>Contextual Menu >Rename/Rename items
Rename selected objects
JAlbum>Menus>Tools>External tools>Rename slide variables
Change the names of user variables.
JAlbum>Menus>Tools>External tools>Replace spaces with dashes
JAlbum>Menus>Tools>External tools>Reset Jalbum to factory defaults
Resets jAlbum settings as though it was a new installation.
A directory that forms part of a skin and which is copied across to the album during the album build process. It can also be used in the project directory were it's files will overwrite or add to the albums res folder.
jAlbum>Where are my files>User Files & Folders
JAlbum>Menus>Tools>External tools>Reset file date to camera date
Reset the file date of all image files under the image directory to the camera (EXIF) date.
JAlbum>Menus>Tools>External tools>Reset folder date to last file date
Reset the date of each folder in your album to the date of the most recent image file or sub folder.
Jalbum>preferences>Projects>Restore previous settings
Applies to skins that supply a hints.jap file and when ‘Use layout hints’ is selected.
JAlbum>Menus>Review SHIFT + CMD/CNTRL + F
JAlbum>Explore>Contextual menus>Between thumbnails>Review.
JAlbum>Explore>Contextual menus>On thumbnails>Review
Opens a full screen slideshow of the project's images, letting you grade or rate your images.
jAlbum>Explore>The toolbar>Rotate left/right
jAlbum>Edit>The_toolbar/2.3 Rotate
Rotate object left or right by 90 degrees.
jAlbum>Settings>Pages>Thumbnail layout>Rows
Controls how many rows of thumbnails appear on a page.
Running Jalbum from the command line
Jalbum without the Graphical User Interface.