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Adding metadata such as a star rating, flag or keyword.
Pages that can be added to a project, usually bundled with a skin, to generate specific types of web pages in your album.
Apply text to images.
jAlbum>Settings>Pages>Thumbnail layout
Controls for row and columns of thumbnails, if supported by the skin.
JAlbum>Explore>File attributes>Thumbnail views
The way of viewing information on objects by their thumbnail image.
Set the quality (size) of the thumbnails shown in explore view, 160px or 320px
jAlbum>Settings>Images>General>Thumbnails bounds
Set dimension limit for thumbnails
JAlbum>Explore>File attributes>Title
Alternative name for the filename, allows use of non-web-safe characters.
jAlbum>Settings>Advanced>Metadata>Title Sources
Sources that can be used for the title of an object.
JAlbum>Explore>Thumbnail views>Titles
Alternative name for the filename, allows use of non-web-safe characters.
Controls for operating on project objects.
A set of tools to access certain facilities.
Provides access to multi-lingual text files.
JAlbum>Menus>Tools>Translator>Translate jAlbum
Help translate jAlbum's GUI texts.