
Revision as of 9 July 2020 23:29 by RobM (Comments | Contribs)

Large thumbnails

JAlbum>Explore>Contextual menus>Between thumbnails>Large thumbnails

Show thumbnails as large sized.

Label type

JAlbum>Explore>Contextual menus>Between thumbnails>Label type

Select the information to display, filename, total, comment or keyword.

License information

JAlbum>Menus>Help>License information

Licensing and accounts

Opens the 'About' jAlbum window where the license details are shown under the 'Application' tab.


Managing images with jAlbum>Link

Also known as a shortcut, it points to the file of interest, saving hard disc space by not having multiple copies of the file. A small curved arrow in the lower left of the thumbnail indicates the item is a link to a file. Broken links are indicated by a large red 'X' over the thumbnail, broken links occur if you move the original files.

Location data

Geotagging>Location data

Information on the location a photo or video, was taken.