The settings window allows you to control album-wide aspects, any changes made here affects the generated album only. Each album project maintains a unique set of settings. These album-wide settings (unlike image specific settings) needs to be saved with the album project to be persisted so remember to issue File->Save project when you're happy with your new settings. Conversely, to keep your old settings exit the project without saving the changes when prompted, then when you reload the project the original settings will apply. The album project settings are by default stored in a file called "jalbum-settings.jap" under the album project folder; you can however use the 'Save as…' menu to save it with another name and/or in another location.
The settings window is divided into the following sections:
To the right of the above sections is a search field, use the TAB key or click inside it to activate it, then start to enter the name of a setting you want to find/set. Search results, limited to the settings window, are shown as you type, if your target is visible then click on it or use the down/up arrow keys to move through the list and then click on it or hit 'Enter' to select it.
The appropriate setting section, which will be expanded if it is within a collapsed panel, and the target word(s) is briefly highlighted with a yellow circle.
After a successful search the search term is selected, ready to be replaced by a new search word if required. The path to the selected setting is written to the system console (press F7 to open it) should you want to make a note of it or if you want to quickly find that setting again without having to perform the search again. You can use the down arrow key to bring up the results of the last search.
Note, the search function will find only 'visible' settings. For example, the video settings can be enabled or disabled in preferences, when disabled the panel will show ‘Videos - Video support is disabled. See Pref...’ and that will show in the search results. Conversely when video support is enabled the panel will show the video settings available and search results will not include ‘Videos - Video support is disabled. See Pref...’.
At the bottom of the window there are two buttons: "Ok" and "Apply". You usually only use "Ok" to confirm the settings and close the window, but when in Preview mode, these buttons operate like this:
As "Apply" keeps the settings window open, you can easily play around with the settings and almost instantly see the result by just hitting "Apply".
Note, control of the album produced by jAlbum is ultimately determined by the selected skin. Some settings may not be supported by some skins, or the skins may have their own way of controlling things. If a setting does not have the expected result, for example a linking option not being shown in the album, read the skin's manual/help file, if you still have problems post a question in the appropriate help forum.
Closing the settings window, by clicking on the 'close x' or moving to a different settings window does not cancel any changes made. To cancel changes made you need to close the project and select 'No' when asked to save changes, if you have the preview window open and have applied the changes or 'made' the album before canceling then you should reload the project and apply the old settings again.
Some skins have their own help pages for settings specific to them, see Skin Manuals for a list of skins with user manuals.