These manuals are meant to help you better understand how to work with the jAlbum application. It also covers some of the more advanced features of the application, such as image filters and command line support.
The manuals show information relating to the current version of jAlbum but older versions of the pages are still accessible. To read a specific page relating to a specific version of jAlbum you need to establish the release date for that version, you can see version release dates here, for example, jAlbum 15 was released on November 18, 2017. To read the manual page for Settings/Pages you must navigate to the current page and then click on the 'History' tab just above the pages title - the 'Article' tab is selected by default. That shows the first edit of that page after November 18 2017 was 16 December 2017, click on that date link to read the version of that page. You can also see what the changes were between that page and the previous/next edit by clicking on the appropriate '(diff)' link, the changes will be highlighted for easy identification. Note, if you click on a link to another page you will be taken to the current version of that page, so you will need to select the appropriate historical edit for that page too.
jAlbum users are welcome to open a wiki account, using their jAlbum account username, and contribute to the wiki documentation. Skin developers can also host their skin's documentation here or just link to their own online documentation. Once you have created your account send an email to anca at jAlbum, he will provide write access to the wiki.