
Revision as of 11 November 2017 10:59 by RobM (Comments | Contribs) | (Geotagging)


jAlbum 14+. Geotagging is accessed by selecting an image and then entering ‘Edit’ mode.

Note: Location tagging only works with images.

There are two aspects to geotagging, or location information, when used within jalbum. First there is the actual process of seeing and setting an image's location data, secondly there is how to include that information in an album - usually as a map.

Location data


If your images are already geotagged then the map will display the location it was taken with an 'inverted teardrop' shaped pin. If not, or you wish to change the displayed GPS location, you can tag the images by either using the search box to look for the location (press 'Enter' to start the search or pick from the list of locations suggested, the map will have a circular pin at the search location)


or enter the coordinate in the format 59.3325800, 18.0649000 (e.g. Latitude North, Longitude East for Stockholm, Sweden). Use negative numbers for South and West.

To save the tagged location close the edit window, move to another image or switch to another edit panel.


For images without embedded GPS data the location shown will be either a 'World' view or the location of the last image in the ordering sequence that has GPS data, those coordinates will not be entered (no pin visible on the map) unless you click on the map to place a pin. Having added a location pin notice the coordinates of the location at the bottom of the window.

If a search has been made for one image then all other images will show that search text and have a red circular pin on the map at that location. If you want to use that location and clicking on the map does not add a tagged (inverted teardrop shaped) pin then you will need to zoom out until you can see the search location and the image's currently tagged position, then drag the tagged pin to the desired location.


Images that only have xmp GPS data, for example those tagged only by jAlbum will display a trash can at the lower right - see top image above - clicking the icon will remove the location information.

You can see the metadata in explore mode by right clicking on the image and selecting 'List metadata' it will be listed as xmp.exif:GPSLatitude and xmp.exif:GPSLongitude


Images that have embedded GPS data, such as from from GPS enabled devices, have a 'reset' icon instead of a trash can. It is disabled unless the image also has xmp GPS data (e.g. tagged by jAlbum), in which case it is enabled and clicking will reset the location to the natively embedded position. Note, this does not delete the tagged metadata, it merely updates it to the embedded location.

You can see the native metadata in explore mode by right clicking on the image and selecting 'List metadata' it will be listed as Gps.GPS Latitude and Gps.GPS Longitude

If you click any of the Google links, like terms & conditions you can use the backspace key, or select the coordinate text field and press 'Enter' to return to the map. Note the 'full screen' icon on the upper right is not active.

Using locations within an album

A prerequisite of using location, or indeed any, metadata in your album is to have Settings/Advanced/Metadata/Include metadata in generated pages turned on. That ensures the metadata is available for skin's to access as required. How skin's that support maps work may be different for each skin, but if using Google Maps most will probably now require a Google Maps API key.

For specific skin information try the skin manuals page or the skin's 'home' page on jAlbum for further information.