
Revision as of 30 October 2015 11:21 by RobM (Comments | Contribs)

General settings are all about your current project, what it is called, what it is about, where its files are stored and where your album will be created.

Album title

When you create a project the album title defaults to the name of the image directory. You can change the displayed name by entering an alternative text here.

Album tags


Comma separated list of keywords that can, for example, appear as metadata tags in your album pages. Commonly used keywords, such as Landscape, Portrait, January, July, Flowers will pop up as you begin to type. See figure to the left. Press enter to accept a single word or click on a word from those suggested to enter that word. If your word is not listed just keep typing.

Album Description

Descriptive text for the whole album.

Album thumbnail

Representing thumbnail for your album. To select a different image, use the small black triangles to navigate through your album or right click a thumbnail in jAlbum's Explore view and select "Use as folder thumbnail". The album thumbnail will also be used as theme image if you use the Turtle skin.

Change directory locations

This is a safety feature to stop you from inadvertently changing the location of your project files, the Image and Output directories. To change either, you must first check this selection box. Note: This is a default setting. The state checked or not checked applies to all your projects and will be kept even when jAlbum is quit and reopened.

Image directory

This is the location of your image files, page templates and other files and folders that will be used to generate your album. It is also the default location for the project settings file, jalbum-settings.jap, and several other files created and used by jAlbum. The path to the directory is displayed and can be changed by either, typing directly in to the path field or by clicking on the folder icon to the right and then navigating to your image directory.

Output directory

This is the location of your generated album. The default is a subfolder of the image directory, but can be anywhere you like. The path to the directory is displayed and can be changed by either typing directly in to the path field or by clicking on the folder icon to the right and then navigating to your output directory.


Shows the web address that the album has been (or is assumed to be) uploaded to. jAlbum automatically fills in this field after you have uploaded the album. If it is wrong, your "web root" might be wrong. See Mark as web root.

Collaborative Albums - New in jAlbum 13!

You can invite anyone to collaborate with you, providing you have a valid jAlbum license. Collaborators do not need a jAlbum account.

Projects that are collaborative are indicated in the 'recent projects' list by a small icon representing two heads.

Attach inbox userName@jalbum.net

To collaborate you must first link your project to your jAlbum account storage, you do this by clicking on the 'Attach inbox userName@jalbum.net' button. A few seconds later and the 'Invite' and 'Fetch new objects' will become active and the 'attach' button will change to 'Detach'. Detach is for if/when you decide to stop collaborating on that project.


Clicking the 'Invite' button will open your default email client and create a new email. The cursor will be in the 'To' field, ready for you to add email addresses. The email will have the subject field filled with the name of your project, do not change this as it is critical in jAlbum identifying the correct project when collaborators respond. Your default/last used email address will be the one used to send the invitation.

Note that the 'Reply To' field is populated with your jAlbum user name, if your email client doesn't respect reply-to in mailto links, Microsoft Mail for instance, ensure that an instruction on where to mail to is in the body of the email.

The body of the text will have a default entered for you but you can edit/add to this as required. The default text is 'Please add images to my "Project Name" album by replying to this email with your images attached.'

Send your email when you are happy that everything is how you want it.

Note, if the invitee sends images that are below one mega pixels they will receive a reply suggesting they resend a larger version, if they do it will replace the original one.

Fetch new objects

When collaborators send you files they will most likely be imported into your project when you start jAlbum. If you want to manually check for new items, then click the button 'Fetch new objects'.

Collaborative files that support embedded metadata, such as jpg images, are indicated by a small icon representing two heads, hovering over the icon will reveal the email address of the person who sent that file.

For emailed files there is a limit of 25MB per email.
Remember you can only receive files whilst your storage usage is below your limit!


When in preview mode, with the integrated browser activated, this applies changed settings and then updates the browser so you can see the changes. The settings widow is left open, so you can quickly undo, or make further, changes.


This saves the changes and closes the settings window and, if the integrated browser is open, will update the album with the changes. Note, there is no cancel option, closing the settings window without clicking apply or OK will still retain any changes made. If you want to revert to the original settings, close the project without saving the changes.