
Revision as of 11 December 2014 15:16 by sannanordgren (Comments | Contribs)

Preview album PreviewButton.png

Clicking on the preview button to select the preview mode, the rendered ‘Home page’ of your selected project is shown in an embedded web browser. You can now navigate your album.

Note, when you exit preview you will return to the same location as when you entered it. That is, you do not necessarily exit to explore mode at the point in your album you were viewing.

Warning! If you have previewed more than one project and you use the integrated browser’s back/forward buttons to change pages you may end up looking at pages from another project. Exiting at that point does not return you to explore mode in that project.

Address Address.png

Shows the path to the displayed page.

Open in external browser ExternalBrowerButton.png

Switches from jAlbum’s integrated browser to your default browser. This opens the same page as is currently displayed in the integrated browser.

Open local album folder OpenFolderButton.png

Opens the album folder of the selected project, that is the designated output directory for your project.

Upload album UploadButtonPreview.png

Initiates the upload process, you can change the default settings before committing the upload action.

Share menu ShareButton.png

Clicking on this button opens a drop down menu from which you can select a method of sharing your album from E-Mailing to embedding in another site or sharing via a selection of social media sites.

Local Album LocalButton.png

View the local version of the album.

Published album PublishedButton.png

View the published/uploaded version of the album.