This section lets you choose what Widgets (if any) to use. Widgets are small JavaScript code snippets that make your album interactive. To its nature, jAlbum albums are static html pages, but receive dynamic aspects like search and filter-by-keyword by the use of JavaScript and by interacting with other services (PayPal's shopping cart for instance).
jAlbum Widgets interact with the servers in order to provide functionality like visitor counters and visitor commenting. You need a account and be signed-in to the jAlbum application in order to use Widgets. You sign in with the same user name and password as for
You can use Widgets even if you host your album on your own server, but it must be listed on your profile page. jAlbum takes care of this if you're signed into the jAlbum application when you upload the album, but you can also manually add albums to your profile page using your web browser. Go to your profile page and choose ‘Albums’ from the drop- down menu below your username, then click on the button ‘Add external album’ and enter the full URL to your album. Finally, select a thumbnail image to represent it in your Albums listing.
Just toggle the checkboxes for the Widgets you wish to enable or disable. For already uploaded albums, the changes takes place instantly. i.e. no need to make and upload the album again.
The result
Widgets cannot be previewed locally, to see them you must look at your published album. At the bottom of each page you will see the widget bar, by default in its minimized state. Clicking on the different sections will open up that widget. Widgets can be customized, you do need to know javascript, CSS, HTML and how to edit jAlbum templates! An example of a custom color scheme is shown.