
Revision as of 11 November 2014 12:24 by sannanordgren (Comments | Contribs) | (General)

These are the program settings. These settings will change the behaviour of the program and will be applied to all album projects. OSV OSV......



  • Language: Use this to set the applications interface to your preferred language, changes take place immediately. jAlbum is translated to many different languages but note that the skin settings might not be translated since the interface for the skin settings is created by the skin developers.
  • Look and feel: The default is to match your computer’s operating system but can be changed to Alloy, Metal, Nimbus or CDE/Motif.
  • Number of Threads: Determines how many images and slide pages that will be processed simultaneously. This will normally default to using the same number of processor cores as your computer has. For example a single processor with four cores, that has dual threading, will allow eight threads to be used at the same time. This just means that jAlbum can process your projects faster the more threads that are supported. Read more about this here.
  • Logging level: This controls the level of diagnostic/error reporting that is reported to the user. An error or warning is indicated in the bottom right of the application window by a yellow triangle, clicking on that icon will open the system console log, showing the details of the problem. This is probably best set to Warning, unless requested by jAlbum to change it for specific debug information or you are developing a skin.
  • Check for updates: If selected the application will check the jAlbum server for updates. If you want to keep the application at a specific version, say to avoid updating to a major release requiring a new license then turn this setting off.
  • Show warning dialogs: If selected then any problems encountered during operation of the application will be reported by a pop-up dialog box.
  • Display thumbnails in file chooser: When adding files the application will try to use a native file chooser, but if one is not supported then a Java file chooser is used. Selecting this setting will show thumbnail images in the Java file chooser window.
  • Remember last window position and size: If selected the application will open in the same position and at the same window size as used in the previous session. It does not apply to skin settings windows.
  • Save backups of album projects: This creates a backup file of the settings used for a project, it does not create a backup of the project’s contents. The default name for the project’s settings file is jalbum-settings.jap. The default location for the file is specified in the Album preferences under My Albums location.
  • Show tip of the day:
  • Use jAlbum’s integrated browser:
  • Close progress dialog when done:


  • When adding files: You can choose what jAlbum shall do when you are adding new files to the program, the options are ask, copy or link. Ask is the default state, but if you know that you are always linking the images or always copying it might be a good idea to change it so that you don't have to answer that question every time you are adding new images to jAlbum. You can read more about copying and linking here.
  • "My Albums" location: You can change the location of the folder My Albums, this is the folder that contains all the album projects on your computer.
  • Illegal characters: Add and remove illegal characters, just press Restore to get the default settings back.
  • Clean old output files on make all:
  • Synchronise output directory:
  • Cache thumbnails:
  • Video support:,
  • Allow local flash preview:
  • Keep track of files copied from memory cards:


  • Use layout hints
  • Restore previous settings:

Image editing

  • Write xmp metadata to files:


  • After publishing: Deicides what jAlbum shall do after the album has been published, you can open published album or do nothing. open published album is the default setting.
  • Include high-res images for print and backup: A folder called hi-res will be included in the uploaded album containing all images in high resolution.
  • Include the lifeboat file: Includes a zip file in the uploaded album containing a back-up of your album settings.
  • Max simultaneous transfers: This setting is set to 8 by default. If you for example get memory problems it might be a good idea to try and lower it to 4.


  • Use zip streaming when available: Speeds up the transferring by transferring the whole album as one compressed file.


  • Encrypt manifest file: Prevents album viewers from inspecting the manifest file and in that way list your published files.


  • Web proxy settings: You can configure the proxy host and port.
  • Compatibility mode: Can make older skins work, but it requires more RAM memory.
  • Attempt to use native file dialogs:
  • Unify image color model to RGB or ABGR:
  • Supported video formats: A list of the supported video formats, the list can be edited.