
Revision as of 25 November 2014 15:47 by anca (Comments | Contribs) | (Text)

"Effects" are image filters that are applied to all images of an album. (One can make exceptions for individual images under Explore view mode.)



Text Settings are applied to all scaled-down images. Once an effect has been applied the text for that effect turns green.


Enter the text to be applied, such as a copyright notice, for example. You can use any character but no line breaks, the text will automatically wrap if it is too long to fit on one line.


Select a font from all fonts enabled on your computer. The font will be rendered as a bit map, so you don’t need to use web-safe fonts. In the size box enter the size, between 8 and 800. Check the option boxes for bold and/or italic as required.


Enter the color code in the format #rrggbb. For standard web colors such as red, blue or double click on the small rectangle to open up a color picker window.


The text can be plain, have a shadow applied or appear as a watermark. These effects are mutually exclusive. Shadow effect has separate controls for color and distance. See below. Watermark sets the color to black and the strength to 20%.


The angle of the text, and any shadow, can be adjusted between +/- 345°. A value of 90 will set the text to vertical, reading downward and -90 to vertical reading up.

Alignment and Margin

The text can be aligned on the 3x3 grid, top left to bottom right. You can either click on the small grid or click and drag the text to select the alignment, the current alignment is highlighted by a green dot. The margin can be set between +/- 99 pixels, it is the distance from the edge of the image to the text.

Shadow color

You can select the shadow color independently of the text color (above) using the same choices to select a color.

Shadow distance

The distance from the text to its shadow can be set from 0 to 20 pixels.


The strength, or transparency, can be adjusted between 0 and 100%, though a value of 0 won’t actually be seen! If you click on the slider to make it active, you can use the arrow keys to make fine, 1%, adjustments.



Logotype Settings are applied to all scaled-down images. Once an effect has been applied the text for that effect turns green.

Image URL

This shows the path to the active logotype, which can be an internet location or a local file. You can use a preset (2) logo or your own by clicking on the small folder icon to the right and navigating to your file. You can use GIF, PNG and JPEG (JPG) file types, though GIF and PNG are best suited, as they allow transparent backgrounds.


The three presets are for jAlbum logos, jAlbum and jAlbum.net both require an internet connection to show, whilst Dor (as shown to the right) is part of the jAlbum application. They are all PNGs with transparent backgrounds.


The size of the logotype can be adjusted from zero to one hundred percent, though a value of zero won’t actually be seen! If you click on the slider to make it active (blue edge), you can use the arrow keys to make fine, one percent, adjustments.


The angle of the logotype can be adjusted between the, strange, limits of +/- 45o.


The strength, or transparency, can be adjusted from zero to one hundred percent, though a value of zero won’t actually be seen! If you click on the slider to make it active (blue edge), you can use the arrow keys to make fine, one percent, adjustments.

Alignment and Margin

The logotype can be aligned on a 3x3 grid, top left to bottom right. You can either click on the small grid or click and drag the logotype to select the alignment, the current alignment is highlighted by a green dot. The margin can be set between +/- 99 pixels, it is the distance from the edge of the image to the logotype.



Gray Settings are applied to all scaled-down images. Once an effect has been applied the text for that effect turns green.

There is not much to say about this effect!, you can enable or disable it, that’s it! It, of course, turns all of your images to grayscale. It really is, almost, that simple, it does not however affect the text or logotype filters, those colors remain. It can though be used with the Arty filter to change the grayscale dynamics.



Auto Settings are applied to all scaled-down images. Once an effect has been applied the text for that effect turns green.

Fix all of your images in one go with this filter, either by auto fixing colors, contrast or levels, or by enhancing all three at once.



Artistic effects are applied to all scaled-down images. Once an effect has been applied the text for that effect turns green.

These are the preset filter effects with the center thumbnail image unadjusted (select the center thumbnail to remove the filter) and the surrounding ones each having a different effect. Hover over a thumbnail to get the name of the effect and a brief description of what it does.