Advanced - General Settings controls what pages get processed and how they are encoded.

- 1. Encoding: Sets the character encoding from a drop down menu, with a wide range of choices. HTML2 to HTM4 the recommended standard was ISO-8859-1, it can represent 156 characters, some of which are international characters.
- Write UTF-8: Checking this box will ensure that UTF-8 (UTF is the Unicode Transformation Format) is always used for character encoding. UTF-8 is the current standard recommended for HTML documents, jAlbum also recommends UTF-8. What does it actually do? It allows you to display different languages correctly, a Greek Delta ‘Δ’ for example, is represent by Δ
- Date format: Date formats may be displayed within your album as the current date, as part of any metadata for photographs, such as date taken or elsewhere, depending on the skin you are using. If this field is left blank the default standard date format for your region will be used, if you want a specific format enter valid letter codes here. Examples of valid letter codes are shown in the table to the right. You enter the letter codes in the form of, for example: h:mma E dd MMM yyyy’. In this case you would see, for example, 12:24AM 14 Jul 2014. The letters used are from the Simple Date Format, the ones shown in the table are commonly used, others are D, F, k, K, s, S, u, w, W, X and Z.