Users Settings Page
Account Details
This is the page were you can change how your account online works and looks
Details of the storage capacity, and unused space, you have rented along with the expiry date. Storage accounts come with a license that is valid for any version of jAlbum desktop software for as long as the storage plan is active. You can extend your storage subscription by clicking on the 'Extend' button. You can learn more about storage plans by clicking on the link Learn more about storage.
Details of the type of license you have, Pro or Standard, and the expiry date if applicable. If you have purchased a single payment license it shows when access to further updates stops, which is twelve months after purchase. You can purchase a new license by clicking on the 'Buy' button on your profile page. You can learn more about licenses by clicking on the link Learn more about licenses.
User Identification Code
This is the code that the jAlbum desktop application uses to validate your license.
Customize Your Home Page
You can change the theme used for your account pages, either by selecting one of the thirty seven ready built themes or making your own custom theme. Click a thumbnail to use a ready made theme or click on the 'Make your own' link.
For a custom theme you can upload a background image and adjust its alignment as well as if it should repeat to fit or not. The header image can have its opacity reduced if desired. To upload an image click on a button or on the icon representing the image. In both cases the file size should not exceed 1MB and the header image will be cropped, if needed, to 980px x 180px.
The colour of certain elements can be set by clicking on a coloured square and using the colour picker to select a new colour. Note, as well as the sliders and value boxes you can drag the small circle within the colour field to set a value.
The elements that can be set are:
- Background - the area of the page below the header and anywhere not covered by a background image.
- Menu bar - The background colour for the menu bar at the top of the page, your profile page, jAlbum software, samples etc.
- Menu text - The colour of the actual texts for the menu links
- Header bg - The colour of the header area if no header image is used.
- Header text - The colour of the text showing 'Username's albums'
- Links - The colour of any links, other than the menu bar, on the page, such as the 'Choose a theme' link.
- Boxhead - The colour of the boxes used to group controls, such as 'Your Storage', '-Email notifications' etc.
- Boxed text - The label for each boxed area, such as 'E-mail notifications'.
Read more about the 'Portfolio mode' in this blog
Customise Layout
Use Portfolio mode
This turns on 'Portfolio' mode, visitors to your album home page who aren't signed in to only see your albums, bio-box and guestbook. No menu bar, no footer and no "Fans" or "Groups" boxes.
Social media
Add social media buttons (Like & Tweet) to your profile page.
E-mail Notifications
Control all notification events sent to your associated email account.
- People
- New Followers - Lets you know when another user clicks on the 'Follow' button on your profile page.
- Album events
- New Albums by followed users - Alerts you to any new album shared on by any of the users you have elected to follow.
- Albums updated by followed users - lets you know when a user you follow has updated an album on
- Albums liked by other users - When any non followed user likes an album you will be informed with a link to the user and the album
- Albums liked by followed users - If you follow people who have similar tastes to you you can find out when they like other albums, so you can check them out too.
- Messages
- New messages - Informs you of a private message sent to you by other users.
- New comments on own album - Lets you know if another user has left a comment about one of your albums on your albums page.
- New guestbook comments - Informs you that someone has made a comment in your guestbook on your profile page.
- New guestbook replies - Informs you of any replies to a guestbook comment.
- New widget comments on own albums - If you have the comment widget installed on your albums this will let you know when someone leaves a comment.
- New widget comments on albums previously commented upon - Alerts to any replies to a comment already made.
- Groups
- New group invites - Alerts you to an invite for you to join a group.
- New members in created groups - Tells you when someone joins a group that you have created.
- Albums added to created groups - alerts you to someone posting a new album which they have shared to a group they have joined.
- Discussions started in created groups - Alerts you to a new conversation started by a member of a group you have created.
- New members in joined groups - See when other users join a group that you are a member of.
- Albums added to joined group - See when another user has shared an album in a group you have joined.
- New replies in group discussions - Follow group discussions as they happen.
- Events
- New comments on your skins - If you are a skin developer and have your skins on then you will be notified of any comments on those skin pages.
- Your skins liked by others - Lets you know who has liked your skin.
- New comments blog posts previously commented on - If you have made a comment on a blog post you will be notified of any other comments on that blog post.
Album behaviour
Browser bar
Enables a browser tool bar above all of your albums, it makes it easier for your viewers to go back to your profile page after enjoying your photos. Disable it if you have your own hosting, if you have problems with certain skins not loading correctly, or you just prefer not to use it.
- Privacy
- Who can comment on your guest book - Turn off the guestbook or restrict access to it to yourself, any followers or leave it open to anyone.
- Show real name instead of username - Normally your real name is kept private but if you want to make it public check this box.
User details
- Change Password
- Lets you change your password but you must know your existing one. If you have forgotten your password you will need to reset it when you try to log-in.
- Change Username
- Lets you pick a new username provided you can remember your existing password.
- Change e-mail
- Switch to a different email for logging in and getting notifications.
Adding a domain name
Add a Domain Lets you use your own website domain name when your albums are hosted by jAlbum. jAlbum is however not a domain registrar or provides a DNS, so you need those two services from another party.
Note that we are currently not supporting SSL/https for your own domain.
You will need to follow the instructions given in the dialogue box and link to from your domain name registrar.
Once this has been accomplished, and your domain name is successfully connected to your hosting space, visitors using your domain name will be taken to your profile page. If you want them to go to a page within your site instead, there are two options.
- 1. Upload an album to your root folder. This is an easy method for a single album or the master album of multiple sub albums.
- 2. You can add an index.html page to the root of your account. Use drag and drop to add the file in the jAlbum upload window. The index page can have a redirect to any page in your site, so visitors using your own domain won't go to your profile page. Example redirect page
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; url=">
The image right shows the upload window, in this case the root directory is and the folders are individual albums. You need to drag the index.html file from your computer, say on your desktop, onto the white area, ensuring the action does not result in any folder being highlighted. The file will upload once it has been dropped onto the upload window.
Close your account
- Close Account
- Close your account completely, any unused hosting or right to future updates will be lost.