Tutorials and other basic information on jAlbum.
jAlbum>Edit>Image editing (toolbar)>2.11 Undo
Multiple level undo and redo for many operations (move, rename etc).
JAlbum>Preferences>Advanced>Unify image color mode to BGR orABGR
Compatibility with certain image filters is improved.
Update F5
JAlbum>Explore>Contextual menus>Between thumbnails>Update
Update the contents of the explore window
JAlbum>Menus>Tools>Translator>Update skin translation
Add new, or correct existing, translations.
JAlbum>Menu>Tools>Upload/Manage CMD/CNTRL + M
JAlbum>Explore>Projects pane>Contextual Menu >Manage
Manage FTP accounts and upload albums.
JAlbum>Explore>Contextual menus>On thumbnails>Use as folder thumbnail
Use this image as the folder's thumbnail image
jAlbum>Settings>Videos>Basic Settings>Use custom settings
Enable jAlbum>Settings>Videos>Advanced Settings
JAlbum>Preferences>General>Use embedded web server
View album as though it was uploaded to the internet.
JAlbum>Preferences>Album>Use hard links
When selected, if originals are included in your album, instead of copying those files to your album folder 'hard links' are used.
JAlbum>Preferences>Album>Skins>>Use hard link
Allow skins to modify your album settings.
JAlbum>Explore>Contextual menus>On thumbnails>Use original
Use the original image instead of a generated slide image.
jAlbum>Settings>Advanced>General>Use thumbnail for folder icon
Show an image as thumbnail for folders, instead of a folder icon.
jAlbum>Settings>Advanced>User Variables
jAlbum variables that can be modified and variables that the user can define and use within their projects.
JAlbum>Preferences>Advanced>Use watchdog
A file named 'thread-dump.txt' is created whenever jAlbum's user interface hangs for twenty seconds or more.
JAlbum>Preferences>Publishing>Advanced>Use zip streaming when available
Speeds uploading of the album.
Using Browser development tools to change a skin's style
How to find the CSS code to make changes to your album's look, that the skin does not offer by default.