Create your first skin

Revision as of 27 June 2014 14:13 by sannanordgren (Comments | Contribs)

This tutorial will teach you how to create your very own jAlbum skin, but you will also learn how to:

  • understand the basics of jAlbum code syntax for variables and tags
  • layout images in a table on the index page
  • add titles and captions to index and slide pages
  • work with "next" and "previous" buttons

Getting started


Before you get started it's recommended that you learn the basics of jAlbum skin development by checking out the skin introduction tutorial.

Installing the "MyFirstSkin" skin in the jAlbum application

When creating a new skin for jAlbum you usually never start from scratch, instead you take an existing skin and base your new skin on that. The jAlbum application has a built in feature that let's you create a new skin based on the "Minimal" skin. To find this feature select "Tools", "Skin developer" and "Create new skin" from the menu.

In this tutorial we will however not use this feature. Instead we will base our new skin on a sample skin called "MyFirstSkin". Click this link to download the skin and choose to open the file (do not choose to "Save on computer"). jAlbum will then notify you that it will install the skin.