Skin / Tiger3 / Site / Social


Share on

The various sharing options. Please note, not all options work with individual images.


Visitors can share the link via email. By default, the email application will open, but if there's no such - e.g. when using webmail only - some OS's allow opening the corresponding webpage, however no guarantee it will work.


You can provide a default subject line, which the users can override in the mail application.


Allow visitors to share the current page or image, by copying the URL to the clipboard. They can also send the link in a way the album starts the slideshow automatically.

Facebook App ID

Facebook requires the sites to create an App ID on their developer site in order they can precisely configure these functions. The following functions need the App ID: Like button, Facebook commenting and Facebook box. Please note, apps on Facebook can be created for Pages, but not for personal accounts.

Facebook box

Use Facebook box

Turn on if you'd like to use the so-called Facebook box or page plugin. (example) Requires Facebook App ID, see above!

Facebook page ID

The name of your page, e.g. jAlbumFrog with jAlbum.

Show header, Show faces

Features of the box, refer to this page.