Right click protection on images
When you turn this feature on, the right-clicking on thumbnails and large images is disabled. Some browsers might not respect the album's decision on blocking it - as right-click is regarded as a browser functionality. Also note, there are many ways a visitor can save a photo from your album, e.g. taking a screenshot, so the real protection is adding watermark on photos, never uploading originals and adding some legal text to remind users of respecting the intellectual property rights.
Hide download button
By default the skin will use the same setting for hiding the "Download" button in the Lightbox as the "Right click protection" setting above - assuming once you want to avoid downloading the images in the album you also want to disable the "Download" button -, but you can overwrite this behavior with this setting.
Scroll to top button
This option adds an "up" arrow in the left bottom corner, which scrolls the page back to top in one click.
Mark files "new" less than NN days old
You can have the new photos marked with a red star. The number of days is calculated by the date of the visit. After NN days none of the photos will be marked as new.
Mark new reference: Date taken = Exif date, File modified = last modification date, Added to album = when add to album.
Preformat texts on pages, album info and footer
The skin can apply simple formatting to texts in comments, descriptions or custom content boxes.
→ foo
→ foo
→ foo
→ <img src="https://c3.jalbum.net/res/icons/languages/16x16/sv.png" alt="">
→ <a href="https://jalbum.net/">http://jalbum.net/</a>
[Visit jAlbum.net!|http://jalbum.net/]
→ <a href="https://jalbum.net/">Visit jAlbum.net!</a>
→ <a href="https://jalbum.net/"><img src="https://c3.jalbum.net/res/icons/languages/16x16/sv.png" alt=""></a>
Please note, preformatting might interfere with HTML code, for example using underscores in links, might get replaced by <u> </u> pairs in this mode. So if you are using HTML code in comments, you might want to turn this option off.
Offer download as ZIP for
You can add a single download link to all images in a folder. Contains Scaled-down images: the screen sized images (slide images), Originals: the original images or Included originals: only the originals which were selected with right-click → Include original.
Extra sizes
Offers downloading images in the specified size(s). Can be a single dimension (bounding rectangle size), like 1200x1200, or you can use multiple sizes separated by commas, e.g. 1200x1200,1600x1600. Avoid spaces!