Skin / Tiger / Sections / Feedback


The feedback feature offers the visitors to select photos and add to a "cart", then provide some text with each and send the feedback through email. You will receive an email with links to the photos and the feedback added. Can also be used to set up a kiosk, so visitors select photos and send to you without payment - like it's necessary in the PayPal cart.

Use feedback

Main switch for this feature.

Box title

The title for the box that appears near the thumbnails and has the buttons "Select all", "Select none" and "Add selected".

Target email

Your email address. Mandatory.


  • Human readable: formatted for humans
  • Serialized: an XML structure for easier reading by applications (if you're post-processing the feedback)

Float button label

There will be a "Feedback cart" button always visible in the bottom right corner provided at least one picture has been added. You can set the text on it.

Use send button

You can skip the Send button, leaving the "Copy" button only.

Send button label

The send button in the cart is also customizable.


Feedback form

Feedback template

The HTML template for the Feedback cart. By default it will allow adding comment to the album and to each picture. With a little HTML knowledge you can define your own template. Note, the repeating loop of photos in case of multiple selections are placed between


tags. Use <form>, <input> and <textarea> tags!



Feedback instructions

Custom text to be placed at the bottom of the feedback cart. Can be HTML formatted.

Instructions in the box

Custom text in the box, the sections area, which contains the "Add selected" button.