Skin / Tiger / Lightbox / Info panel


The info panel - below the main image - contains the caption of the image, and a few more functionality.

Info panel visible by default

Whether the info panel should be visible to user when they visit the album. They can toggle it later, and this preference will be saved for an hour.


Predefined caption templates.

Caption template

Template for text below the main images. HTML formatted.

Show image numbers

Will include the current / total image number.


Button labels visible

Icon only or Icon + Text buttons should appear in the info panel?

Show location on map

If the photo holds GPS data, the Lightbox can show its location on a map. Note, this functionality needs the API key too defined on the Map panel.

Show regions (Face tags)

Show face tags (or other regions) embedded in the photo. Use Picasa or similar application to tag lots of faces automatically. Or use jAlbum's right-click → Set area tag tool to add tags manually.

Button label

The button text can be customized because not only faces can be displayed. It's up to you what you call this button.

Show "Share" button

If there are shares that can work on individual pictures there will be a button for them in the Lightbox too, unless you disable this functionality here. See Social panel for sharing settings.

Show "Print" button

When you enable this option there will be a "Print" button added by which users can easily print the photo without the distracting page elements.

Enable download of non-images

By default the skin doesn't allow downloading videos or audio files, but if you wish you can enable this functionality here.

Use Fotomoto

Fotomoto is selling platform for images. They can print images, T-shirts, canvas prints, mugs, etc. from your photos. Available in the US. You can turn on this tool here.

Store ID

Fotomoto will provide you with a long "Store ID" string. You can sign up with them here.