In jAlbum you can create non-album pages as well. Tiger skin comes with 6 predefined pages: About, AdventCalendar, Contact, Contents, Sitemap and TumblrFeed.
You can also define an empty custom page which will show Tiger's Header and Footer, and it's up to you to fill up the space in between. Can be plain text too, but you can fully control the layout only by using HTML.
IMPORTANT: Please do not rename the HTT file after you have added to the album, use the "Title" to enter a better (or translated) name. If you rename the file the custom pages cannot be matched after a skin change (and will trigger errors on Make), so do it with precaution.
Contents |
You can provide an Author image, a Title and Text here. The text can be HTML formatted too.
A calendar of images in the album - typically used as Advent calendar. You can enter the start date, the duration, and which images to be selected (original order or latest).
A typical contact page with various social media options. You can also specify a map location to be shown. This can be read from a photo or you can copy paste the location from Google Maps for example. There are also 3 custom links.
The "contents" is an alphabetical collection of your folders and pages.
The usual Site map page. Can be good for SEO purposes too.
Tumblr feed page.
As of 06/2018 the Tumblr Feed might not work for some users because of the new EU regulations (GDPR). The visitors might need to accept Tumblr's privacy rules before they see any content.