More about image filters

Image filters can be plugged in to enhance images during album generation, adding watermarking, logos etc. Image filters can be applied to closeup images, thumbnail images or both. The permitted combinations are listed here Several filters can be chained to produce the desired effect. An open API and source code example are provided so developers easily can add new filters.

From the "Effects" panel, you can easily add text, watermarks, logos, grayscale, color/contrast/level corrections, and several arty filters. Other filters they can be controlled with settings in the "Advanced > User Variables" panel.

Note, globally applied filters can be disabled for individual images. See Excluding images from filters below for more information.


Quick example

Note, in the detailed sections below the '|' character represents 'or', so true|false means the value can be true or false

Learning by example is powerful, so let's start by applying a grayscale filter to each thumbnail and adding a copyright notice to the corner of each closeup image. (For a formal description of available filter features, see below.)

Start the jAlbum application and prepare a project for album creation. Now go to the Advanced page of jAlbum. There you will find a section called "User defined variables". We will use this section to set the properties of our filters. Enter exactly as this example shows. Pay attention to capitalization - "GrayscaleFilter" is not the same as Grayscalefilter".

Setting filter properties on the Advanced page

Now go to the Main page and press "Make Album" to have the album generated and filters applied. The resulting thumbnails and closeup images should now look something like this:

Thumbnail and closeup images processed through grayscale and text filters

The filters are applied in the order they are numbered (filter1, filter2 etc). The filter settings gets saved with the project so don't forget to save your project when you are happy with your settings.

The filters

Below is a list of the initially provided filters and their properties (features). New filters can be installed by putting their Java class files inside the plugins directory of jAlbum. All filters require the class property to be specified as filter identifier. All filters accept the thumbnails and closeups property that controls if the filter is to be applied to thumbnails only, closeups only or both. Default is both.

Note, the '|' character represents 'or', so true|false means the value can be true or false


Missing a filter? Please also look for filters made by jAlbum users in the forum.

Grayscale filter

Converts images to grayscale.
Property Value Meaning
class GrayscaleFilter Identifying filter name (required)
thumbnails true|false Apply to thumbnails?
closeups true|false Apply to closeups?
prescale true|false Apply filter before scaling?



Applies the grayscale filter to both thumbnails and closeups.

Note that invoking this filter requires reprocessing and reuploading of all the images. The same result can be achieved with a single line of CSS applied to the selector for the images you want to affect: img {filter: grayscale(1);}. This can be done with no image processing at all. Therefore, this filter is inefficient, and should not be used.

Tint filter

Adjusts the color of an image.
Property Value Meaning
class TintFilter Identifying filter name (required)
thumbnails true|false Apply to thumbnails?
closeups true|false Apply to closeups?
prescale true|false Apply filter before scaling?
redPercent Strength in percent Red tone (100)
greenPercent Strength in percent Green tone (100)
bluePercent Strength in percent Blue tone (100)


class=TintFilter redPercent=100 greenPercent=60 bluePercent=60

Applies a redish tint to images.


You can get interesting effects by combining the tint filter with the grayscale filter.

Logotype filter

Adds image/logotype of your choice on top of album images.
Property Value Meaning
class LogoFilter Identifying filter name (required)
thumbnails true|false Apply to thumbnails?
closeups true|false Apply to closeups?
prescale true|false Apply filter before scaling?
src URL to image Any valid URL will do (http:// file:/// etc)
angle Angle of logo in degrees, rotated around the center of the logo (0)
strengthPercent Opaqueness in percent Controls logo visibility. (100)
align left|center|right Horizontal alignment of logotype (left)
valign top|center|bottom Vertical alignment of logotype. (top)
margin Margin in pixels Distance from edge of logotype to edge of image. (0)
offset Horizontal offset in pixels Fine tuning of placement. (0)
voffset Vertical offset in pixels Fine tuning of placement. (0)


class=LogoFilter src="" strengthPercent="50" closeups

Add a semi transparent jAlbum logo from the jAlbum web site to center of closeups.

class=LogoFilter src="file:///C:/adir/anotherdir/animage.jpg" closeups

Pick an image from the local hard disk instead from a remote location.

Excluding an image
You can exclude an individual image from the album-wide logotype filter by opening the image for editing in jAlbum, opening the Variables panel on the right, and entering a new variable with the name applyLogo and a value of false.

Note that adding text, watermarks, and logotypes to scaled images can be achieved much more readily by using the Effects panel. There is rarely a need to use this filter manually.

Text filter

Adds texts to album images.
Property Value Meaning
class TextFilter Identifying filter name (required)
thumbnails true|false Apply to thumbnails?
closeups true|false Apply to closeups?
prescale true|false Apply filter before scaling?
referenceWidth reference width e.g. 800 Images having a width a multiple of the reference width will have their font size changed by that multiple value. The final font size = font size * image width / reference width
src URL to image Any valid URL will do (http:// file:/// etc)
text Text to display Allows jAlbum $variables like $originalDate and $comment to be embedded for dynamic content
color HTML color definition Understands common HTML color names like "pink", #rrggbb, and r,g,b format
face Name of font Valid font names from your system like "Helvetica", "Verdana", "Courier New" etc
style plain|bold|italic|bolditalic Font style (bold)
size Font size in pixels (16)
angle Angle of text in degrees, rotated around the center of the text (0)
antialias true|false Antialiasing gives smoother edges. (true)
align left|center|right Horizontal alignment of text (left)
valign top|center|bottom Vertical alignment of text. (top)
margin Margin in pixels Distance from edge of text to edge of image. (5)
offset Horizontal offset in pixels

Fine tuning of placement. (0)

voffset Vertical offset in pixels Fine tuning of placement. (0)


class=TextFilter text="Date: $fileDate" referenceWidth=800 size=20 color=#aaffaa closeups

Add the file date of the image on top of the image in a light green color, adjust the font size if the image size differs from the reference width. To ensure the date used is the date the photo was taken use originalDate (fileDate may get modified)

Note that adding text, watermarks, and logotypes to scaled images can be achieved much more readily by using the Effects panel. There is rarely a need to use this filter manually.

Shadow text filter

Like text filter but also adds a drop shadow.

Extended properties (see TextFilter for the others):

Property Value Meaning
class ShadowTextFilter Identifying filter name (required)
shadowColor HTML color definition Color of shadow. Understands common HTML color names like "pink", #rrggbb, and r,g,b format
shadowDistance Distance in pixels (2)


class=ShadowTextFilter text="Date: $fileDate" size=20 color=#aaffaa closeups
To ensure the date used is the date the photo was taken use originalDate (fileDate may get modified)

Add the file date of the image on top of the image in a light green color with a black shadow.

Note that adding text, watermarks, and logotypes to scaled images can be achieved much more readily by using the Effects panel. There is rarely a need to use this filter manually.

Watermark filter

Like text filter but with a watermark effect.
Property Value Meaning
class WatermarkFilter Identifying filter name (required)
strengthPercent Strength in percent Controls watermark visibility. (20)


class=WatermarkFilter text="jAlbum" size=30  closeups valign=bottom margin=0

Add a "jAlbum" watermark to the lower left edge

Note that adding text, watermarks, and logotypes to scaled images can be achieved much more readily by using the Effects panel. There is rarely a need to use this filter manually.

Zoom filter

Zooms into images. Good for making thumbnails more interpretable.
Property Value Meaning
class ZoomFilter Identifying filter name (required)
zoomPercent How far to zoom into center of image (30)
thumbnails true|false Apply to thumbnails?
closeups true|false Apply to closeups?
prescale true|false Apply filter before scaling?


class=ZoomFilter prescale thumbnails zoomPercent=30

Applies the zoom filter to thumbnails. Note the very important prescale attribute

Note that invoking this filter requires reprocessing and reuploading of all the images. The same result can be achieved with a single line of CSS applied to the selector for the images you want to affect: img {transform: scale(1.3);}. The image's HTML container should also have overflow: hidden; applied to it. This can be done with no image processing at all. Therefore, this filter is inefficient, and should not be used.

Fixed shape filter

Crops images if needed so they exactly fit the dimensions set for "thumbnail size" or "max image size" in the user interface. This makes all images and thumbnails, or just thumbnails, the same shape (portrait, squary etc).
Property Value Meaning
class FixedShapeFilter Identifying filter name (required)
thumbnails true|false Apply to thumbnails?
closeups true|false Apply to closeups?
all true|false Apply to thumbnails and closeups?
prescale true|false Apply filter before scaling?


class=FixedShapeFilter prescale thumbnails

Applies the fixed shape filter to thumbnails. Note the very important prescale attribute.

FixedShape filter should either be used for both thumbnails and closeups before scaling takes place or on thumbnails only, before scaling takes place.

It does not support for the combination of "closeups" and "prescale", if both are used the "prescale" will be ignored.

Constrain ratio filter

Limits the aspect ratio of a processed image. This prevents panoramic images, for example, from producing long skinny thumbnails.
Property Value Meaning
class ConstrainRatioFilter Identifying filter name (required)
thumbnails true|false Apply to thumbnails?
closeups true|false Apply to closeups?
prescale true|false Apply filter before scaling?
maxRatio Maximum aspect ratio Default is 2.0
minRatio Minimum aspect ratio Default is 0.5


class=ConstrainRatioFilter prescale thumbnails maxRatio=2.5

Applies the constrain ratio filter to thumbnails, and limits the output aspect ratio (width/height) to a maximum of 2.5.

Note that many skins include this filter by default, or as a skin checkbox option. Check the skin you are using before applying it manually.

Sharpen filter

Sharpen images.
Property Value Meaning
class SharpenFilter Identifying filter name (required)
thumbnails true|false Apply to thumbnails?
closeups true|false Apply to closeups?
prescale true|false Apply filter before scaling?


class=SharpenFilter closeups

Applies the sharpen filter to closeups.

Blur filter

Caution! This filter does not work in the current version of jAlbum, and produces an immediate crash. It will be fixed in the next release.

Blur images.
Property Value Meaning
class BlurFilter Identifying filter name (required)
thumbnails true|false Apply to thumbnails?
closeups true|false Apply to closeups?
prescale true|false Apply filter before scaling?
radius 0-100 Amount of blurriness. 30 is default


class=BlurFilter closeups

Applies the blur filter to closeups.

Note that invoking this filter requires reprocessing and reuploading of all the images. The same result can be achieved with a single line of CSS applied to the selector for the images you want to affect: img {filter: blur(5px);}. The image's HTML container should also have overflow: hidden; applied to it. This can be done with no image processing at all. Therefore, this filter is inefficient, and should not be used.


Name tag filter.

Adds a small label using the name entered in Set area tags... or from XMP regions data. The label appears on images in the same location as shown in the 'Set area tags...' preview.

Property Value Meaning
class NameTagFilter Identifying filter name (required)
thumbnails true|false Apply to thumbnails?
closeups true|false Apply to closeups?
fontFace Name of font Valid font names from your system like "Helvetica", "Verdana", "Courier New" etc.
fontSize Font size in pixels (16)


class=NameTagFilter closeups

Applies the filter to close up images.

Margin filter

Add margin.

Adds a n pixel margin around each image. By default, the margin is transparent (if generating PNG images), but any color with any transparency level works.

Property Value Meaning
class MarginFilter Identifying filter name (required)
thumbnails true|false Apply to thumbnails?
closeups true|false Apply to closeups?
prescale true|false Apply filter before scaling?
margin Margin around in pixels Margin to be added around images in pixels (20)
color Color of margin Color of margin in #AARRGGBB format (transparent black)


class=MarginFilter margin=10 color=#33AAAAAA

Apply a 10 pixel semi transparent light gray margin around images

Note that invoking this filter requires reprocessing and reuploading of all the images. The same result can be achieved with a single line of CSS applied to the selector for the images you want to affect: img {border: 10px solid rgba(170 170 170 / 0.2);}. Depending on the context, it might also be necessary to apply background clipping: img {background-clip: padding-box;} This can be done with no image processing at all. Therefore, this filter is inefficient, and should not be used.

In addition, a filter-applied border will be enlarged or reduced along with the image. In a responsive layout, this can produce images that have borders with visibly different widths, from one image to the next. A CSS-applied border will always be a consistent size.

eXtended Border filter

Adds borders. frames and shadows of your choice on album images.
Property Value Meaning
class XBorderFilter identifying filter name (required)
thumbnails true|false apply to thumbnails
closeups true|false apply to closeups
prescale true|false apply filter before scaling
bgCol HTML color definition background color for tranparent parts of shadows and frames
bgFile URL to jpeg, png or gif image background graphics file to use for tranparent parts of shadows and frames
bgOffX x offset in pixels x offset for bgFile (new with V0.95 β)
bgOffY y offset in pixels y offset for bgFile (new with V0.95 β)
boBlend true|false blend border color bands
boClip border clip radius in pixels the border may have rounded corners
boCol (list of) HTML color definition(s) border color
boMargin border margin in pixels margin between image edges and border
boTrans (list of) frame transpareny(ies) 0 is opaque, 100 fully transparent (invisible)
boWidth border width in pixels all directions are set to the same value
boWidthE eastern border width in pixels only E
boWidthN nothern border width in pixels only N
boWidthS southern border width in pixels only S
boWidthW western border width in pixels only W
brCol bracket line color (new with V0.96)
brStyle bracket style (new with V0.96)
brThick bracket line thickness (new with V0.96)
brX horizontal bracket length (new with V0.96)
brY vertical bracket length (new with V0.96)
clip clip radius in pixels a rounded corner
debug enables debug output for developers only
frBlend true|false blend frame color bands
frCol (list of) HTML color definition(s) frame color
frTrans (list of) frame transpareny(ies) 0 is opaque, 100 fully transparent (invisible)
frWidth frame width in pixels all directions are set to the same value
frWidthE eastern frame width in pixels only E
frWidthN northern frame width in pixels only N
frWidthS southern frame width in pixels only S
frWidthW western frame width in pixels only W
shCol HTML color definition shadow color
shDir NE|SE|NW|SW shadow direction
shDrop hard|norm|soft shadow drop falloff
shTrans minimum shadow transparency shadow transparency near the edge of the image
shWidth shadow width in pixels both directions are set to the same value
shWidthX x shadow width in pixels only x
shWidthY y shadow width in pixels only y
shExX x shadow excess in pixels excess shadow with on the opposite side
shExY y shadow excess in pixels excess shadow width on the opposite side


Adds a frame and a drop shadow to your closeups.

class=XBorderFilter frWidth=20 frCol=ivory shWidth=15 closeups

Adds a border to your closeups.

class=XBorderFilter boWidth=20 boCol=ivory closeups

Note that invoking this filter requires reprocessing and reuploading of all the images. Many of the simpler borders can be more easily produced using the CSS border, box-shadow, and border-radius properties. For many options, this filter is inefficient; it should be used only when there is no straightforward CSS alternative.

Because these borders, brackets, shadows, and frames are applied to the generated images, they expand or shrink along with the image in a responsive layout. This can produce inconsistent, and often unpredictable, results.

Excluding images from filters

You can exclude an individual image from globally applied filters.

In Edit view, add an image specific user variable called "excludeFilters". Set the value to the name of the filter class (or names of the filter classes, comma separated).

Adding filters to skins

Here is an example of adding image filters to a skin, in this case a watermark filter applied to the slide images; watermark and watermarkSize would be skin variables from onload.bsh. The code is added to init.bsh.

if (watermark.length() > 0) {
	WatermarkFilter f = new WatermarkFilter();
	engine.addFilter(f, JAFilter.CLOSEUPS_POSTSCALE_STAGE);

And to add the constrain ratio filter for thumbnails:

engine.addFilter(new ConstrainRatioFilter(0.5f, 2f), JAFilter.THUMBNAILS_PRESCALE_STAGE);

Extending jAlbum's image filters

This section is for Java programmers who wish to extend jAlbum with new image filters.

jAlbum image filters are java classes added to the plugins directory that implement the small se.datadosen.jalbum.JAFilter interface. A jAlbum filter should also adhere to the JavaBean specification, meaning:

  • Provide a no-args constructor
  • Getters and setter methods should follow the JavaBean naming convention.
  • The filter should be serializable

A se.datadosen.jalbum.JAFilter interface must provide getter methods for name and description pretty much like an Applet. The third method is the filter method that takes a BufferedImage and a java.util.Map as arguments and returns a modified BufferedImage. A filter is allowed to directly manipulate the passed BufferedImage. The Map object contains jAlbum $variables that may be useful for the filter implementer.

The preferred way to pass parameters to a filter is to implement setter methods for them. By using a smart BeanShell script in the init.hsh file in the jAlbum program directory, jAlbum is capable of passing attributes from the user defined variables section of the Advanced tab page to the corresponding setter method of a filter.

The plugins jAlbum directory contains not only the filter classes but also the source code for the filters described on this page. Feel free to use them as base for your own filters. You will probably find the SimpleFilter below a good base for your own filters. The plugins folder also contains a compile.bat file that simplifies compilation for you. As you develop filters, please note that you do not need to restart jAlbum in order to refresh the filter classes as they are dynamically loaded every time an album is being processed. Finally, if you make a cool filter, please send it to me for inclusion.

Sample filter source code

The following simple filter adds a jAlbum logo to the corner of images:

import se.datadosen.jalbum.JAFilter;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;

 * jAlbum simple image filter adding a jAlbum logo to the
 * corner of images
 * @author David Ekholm
 * @version 1.0
public class SimpleFilter implements JAFilter {

    // Implements JAFilter
    public String getName() {
        return "Simple filter";

    // Implements JAFilter
    public String getDescription() {
        return "Add a jAlbum logo to the corner of images";

    // Implements JAFilter
    public BufferedImage filter(BufferedImage bi, java.util.Map vars) {
        Graphics2D g = bi.createGraphics();
        ImageIcon windowIcon =
         new ImageIcon(se.datadosen.jalbum.JAlbumFrame.class.getResource(
        g.drawImage(windowIcon.getImage(), 0, 0, null);
        return bi;

More Examples

Adding a 30px tall red box to the bottom of slide images with a web address in white text.

Name Value
filter1 class=XBorderFilter frWidth=0 frWidthS=30 frCol=#ff0000 closeups
filter2 class=TextFilter text="" size=24 align=center valign=bottom margin=0 color=white closeups

Making images have the same area, or number of pixels, see LimitAreaFilter forum post

The filter files are already included in the jAlbum application

Name Value
filter1 class=LimitAreaFilter area=0.2 closeups
filter2 class=LimitAreaFilter area=0.003 thumbnails