Keyboard shortcuts and modifiers

By Activity
Operation to be performed Shortcut
Abort current operation

Such as exit review mode and abort adding a title/comment etc.

Escape key
Add as links

When dragging files onto jAlbum will force the items to be added as links.

Cmd + Alt/Ctrl + SHIFT Key held down
Close project

Closes the current project.

Cmd/Ctrl + W
Copy objects

Copies objects instead of moving them

ALT/CTRL + drag
Copy settings path

Copy the path to the setting selected in the search results, useful when supporting others by posting in forums

SHIFT or ALT/OPT + click on result

Opens a plugin, if installed, which gives information on variables, settings, the current skin and access to certain files.

Alt/Opt + D

Deletes the selected items.

in explore mode Cmd/Ctrl + BACKSPACE, in review mode BACKSPACE
Edit item

Edit the current item.

Alt/Opt + RETURN
Edit Skin Properties

Open's the skin's properties file for editing

Alt/Opt + S
Exclude item(s)

Toggle the include/exclude status of selected objects or object being edited.

'-' key
Flag item

In 'Review' mode, use SHIFT + keys 6 to 9 to assign a flag colour to the image or use the 'F' key to toggle through the available colours: none, red, yellow, blue and green

'SHIFT + 6 to 9 and/or F' key
Filter Bar

Toggle the status (Hide/Show) of the Filter Bar.

Cmd/Ctrl + F
Folder navigation history.

Go backwards and forwards through visited folders in the current project.

ALT-Left arrow and ALT-Right arrow.
Force Remake. F9 + SHIFT + ALT/OPT key and then clicking on a make/multi-maker and upload will do a 'Force-make' on all objects.

F9 + SHIFT key and then clicking on a make/multi-maker and upload will do a 'Force-make' on all objects except videos.

Generate QR code

For previewing album on local network/internet

SHIFT + CLICK on appropriate preview eyeglass

Open the online help pages at

Insert a new line

When editing captions insert a newline character.

Keep the aspect ratio.

When cropping images keeps the aspect ratio constrained.

SHIFT Key + dragging selection points
Last tool.

Reselects the last tool used, such as image editing, list metadata etc.

Load skin with skin defaults.

Skins can have specific settings saved to be used as the default, if a default settings file exists you can still use the skin's own defaults using

ALT/OPT + load skin
Look & Feel

In Preferences holding down the Alt/Opt key, then selecting a look & feel, lets you select legacy looks.

clickl with + Alt/Opt held down
Make Album. F9
Make Test. F9 + Alt/Opt
Moves the active (clicked on) control slider for levels and gamma. Moves to previous/next object in explore, edit and review mode. In explore mode the up/down keys moves the selection to the object above/below the current object. Left/Right arrow
Moves the active (clicked on) object in explore view forward/backward to the next/previous object TAB/SHIFT + TAB
Multi make.

Make multiple albums

New project. Cmd/Ctrl + N
New folder. Cmd/Ctrl + N + SHIFT
Open a project using the file chooser. Cmd/Ctrl + O
Open configuration directory

Open the directory where user added skins, tools and plug-ins are stored.

Cmd/Ctrl + C + SHIFT
Open currently displayed image directory

Open the directory currently shown in explore mode, in your OS' file system

Double click the address bar
Open empty page in the text editor. Cmd/Ctrl + E
Open Full HTML Editor. SHIFT/ALT + SPACE when clicking on the editor icon
Open image directory Cmd/Ctrl + I + SHIFT
Open output directory. Cmd/Ctrl + O + SHIFT
Open preferences. Cmd/Ctrl + , (comma key)
Open program directory. Cmd/Ctrl + P + SHIFT
Open project gallery. CMD/CTRL + G
Open project within the project gallery. SHIFT or ALT/OPT + double click image
Open recent project Opens the nth project in the menu's list of recent projects

CMD/Ctrl + Number of project e.g. 1 or 2 or 3 etc.

Open Settings

Open the settings window.

Open skin directory. Cmd/Ctrl + S + SHIFT
Open the skin's files for editing.

Opens the various pages that constitute the skin's functional coding.

Cmd/Ctrl + E + SHIFT
Open Spell checker

Start spell checking of the active text entry field.

Open/Close System Console

Opens/closes the system console for debugging. (When not in a text entry field)

Open Selected image with default application

Open the select image with the application associated with that file type

Alt/Opt + double click or SHIFT + ENTER
Open With: Select a different application

In explore mode the thumbnail contextual menu offers an open with option, using either SHIFT or the Alt/Opt key lets you select another application

Explore mode, thumbnail contextual menu, open with + SHIFT or Alt/Opt
Organise: Group by data.

Arrange images in folders by date, by year, month and date for example.

Cmd/Ctrl + Alt/Opt + G
Organise: Flatten.

Arrange all images into a single folder, all objects are extracted from subfolders.

Cmd/Ctrl + Alt/Opt + F
Organise: Group alphabetically

Arrange images by in folders by initial character of file names.

Cmd/Ctrl + Alt/Opt + A
Organise: Group by place.

Arrange images by place, uses gps location information embedded in images.

Cmd/Ctrl + Alt/Opt + P
Organise: Wrap in folder.

Wrap selected objects in a new folder.

Cmd/Ctrl + Alt/Opt + W

Preview album in browser.

Preview in external browser

When clicking on the preview button (spyglass to the right of 'Make album') will force the preview to open in your default browser.

Alt/Opt Key held down

Prints the selected items as a contact print sheet.

Cmd/Ctrl + P
Project information

Brings up an information window on the current project with details on location of files, disc space used, locations and dates.

Cmd/Ctrl + I

Close the application.

Cmd/Ctrl + Q
Redo the last file operation. Cmd/Ctrl + Z + SHIFT
Rate item(s)

Assign a 'star' rating to image(s) in the range of none to five stars

SHIFT + 0 to 5

Updates the 'explore' or 'preview' windows.

Refresh thumbnail cache

Force all thumbnails to be redrawn if externally made changes to the image do not show.

View menu, update + Alt/Opt/SHIFT
Reload the skin. Cmd/Ctrl + R
Rename selected item. F2

Open the 'slide show' to review and rate images.

Cmd/Ctrl + F + SHIFT or when in 'Explore mode' press Spacebar with image(s) selected
Save project settings. Cmd/Ctrl + S
Search for controls by label. Ctrl + SPACE
Screen grab of Settings . SHIFT or ALT/OPT whilst selecting result path from a search.
Selects all items in the current folder. Cmd/Ctrl + A
Select or deselect the current image as the representing image for the folder it resides within, only when in 'Review' mode T
Toggle visibility of rating and flags in review mode. H
Undo the last file operation. Cmd/Ctrl + Z
Upload/Manage album. Cmd/Ctrl + U
Upload album in background. Cmd/Ctrl + SHIFT + U
Multiple upload locations

With an upload window already open, clicking on the upload button will open another upload window so you can upload to two locations at a time.

Alt/Opt + Click

By Shortcut
Shortcut Operation to be performed
Cmd + Alt/ Ctrl + SHIFT Keys held down When dragging files onto jAlbum will force the items to be added as links.
ALT/CTRL + drag objects Copies objects instead of moving them
Alt/Opt held down When clicking on the preview button (spyglass to the right of 'Make album') will force the preview to open in your default browser.

With an upload window already open, clicking on the upload button will open another upload window so you can upload to two locations at a time. In Preferences it allows legacy looks to be selected. In MultiMaker it changes to 'Force make' mode.

Alt/Opt held down and skin load if a skin default settings file exists use the skin's own defaults instead - from jAlbum 15.1
SHIFT or ALT/OPT whilst selecting result path from a search Screen grab of Settings .
SHIFT Key + dragging selection points Keeps the aspect ratio.
SHIFT + CLICK on appropriate preview eyeglass Generate QR code for previewing album on local network/internet
SHIFT + ENTER Open the select item with the application associated with that file type
Alt/Opt + D Opens, if installed, the 'Dashboard' plugin, which gives information on variables, settings, the current skin and access to certain files.
Alt/Opt + double click Open the select item with the application associated with that file type
Alt/Opt or SHIFT key + Explore mode, thumbnail contextual menu, open with In explore mode the thumbnail contextual menu offers an open with option, using the Alt/Opt or SHIFT key lets you select another application
Alt/Opt + RETURN Edit the current item.
Alt/Opt + S Edit the skin's properties file.
Cmd/Ctrl + A Selects all items in the current folder.
Cmd/Ctrl + Alt/Opt + A Uses the initial character of file names to group images into folders
Cmd/Ctrl + C + SHIFT Opens the configuration directory, where skins, tools and plug-ins are stored.
Cmd/Ctrl + E Opens an empty text editor.
Cmd/Ctrl + E + SHIFT Opens the skin's files for editing.
Cmd/Ctrl + F Toggles the status of the 'Filter Bar'.
Cmd/Ctrl + F + SHIFT Open the 'slide show' to review and rate images. Note when in 'Explore mode' pressing spacebar with image(s) selected does the same.
Cmd/Ctrl + Alt/Opt + F Flatten selected folders, all objects are extracted from subfolders.
CMD/CTRL + G Open project gallery.
Cmd/Ctrl + Alt/Opt + G Arrange images in folders by date, by year, month and date for example.
Cmd/Ctrl + I Brings up an information window on the current project with details on location of files, disc space used, locations and dates.
Cmd/Ctrl + I + SHIFT Opens the image directory
CMD/CNTRL + L Reselects the last tool used, such as image editing, list metadata etc.
CMD/CNTRL + M Make multiple albums
Cmd/Ctrl + M + Alt/Opt With an upload window already open, clicking on the upload button will open another upload window so you can upload to two locations at a time.
Cmd/Ctrl + N Opens a new project.
Cmd/Ctrl + N + SHIFT Adds a new folder.
Cmd/Ctrl + O Open a project using the file chooser.
Cmd/Ctrl + O + SHIFT Opens the output directory.
Cmd/Ctrl + P Prints the selected items as a contact print sheet.
Cmd/Ctrl + Alt/Opt + P Arrange images by place, uses gps location information embedded in images.
Cmd/Ctrl + P + SHIFT Opens the program directory.
Cmd/Ctrl + Q Close the application
Cmd/Ctrl + R Reloads the skin.
Cmd/Ctrl + S Save changes to the project's settings.
Cmd/Ctrl + S + SHIFT Opens the skin's directory.
Cmd/Ctrl + U Upload/Manage album.
Cmd/Ctrl + SHIFT+ U Upload album in the background.
Cmd/Ctrl + W Closes the current project.
Cmd/Ctrl + Alt/Opt + W Wrap selected objects in a new folder.
Cmd/Ctrl + Z Undo the last file operation.
Cmd/Ctrl + Z + SHIFT Redo the last file operation.
Cmd/Ctrl + , (comma key) Opens the Preference settings.
Cmd/Ctrl + BACKSPACE In explore mode deletes the selected items.
CMD/Ctrl + Number 1 or 2 or 3 etc Opens the nth project in the menu's list of recent projects
Ctrl + SPACE Opens the general search bar for jAlbum and skin controls.
BACKSPACE In review mode deletes the displayed item.
Double click the address bar Opens the directory currently shown in explore mode, in your OS' file system
'-' key Toggle the include/exclude status of selected objects or object being edited
SHIFT or ALT/OPT + double click image in the project gallery. Open the clicked on project leaving the gallery open
SHIFT or ALT/OPT + click on search result Copy the path to the setting selected in the search results, useful when supporting others by posting in forums
SHIFT + ENTER Inserts a new line when editing captions.
SHIFT/ALT + SPACE. Open Full HTML Editor when clicking on its icon.
View menu, update + Alt/Opt/SHIFT Refresh thumbnail cache forcing all thumbnails to be redrawn if externally made changes to the image do not show.
Left/Right arrow Moves the active (clicked on) control slider for levels and gamma. Moves to previous/next object in explore, edit and review mode. In explore mode the up/down keys moves the selection to the object above/below the current object.
ALT-Left arrow and ALT-Right arrow Folder navigation history, go backwards and forwards through visited folders in the current project.
TAB/SHIFT + TAB Moves the active (clicked on) object in explore view forward/backward to the next/previous object.
F1 Opens the 'Help' pages at
F2 Rename the selected item
F4 Opens the Settings.
F5 Refresh the display.
F7 When editing text it opens the spell checker..
F7 When not editing text it opens/closes the System Console.
F9 Make Album
F9 + SHIFT Force Remake album excluding videos
F9 + SHIFT + Alt/Opt Force Remake all album objects
F12 Preview Album
SHIFT + 6 to 9 and/or F In 'Review' mode, use keys SHIFT + 6 to 9 to assign a flag colour to the image or use the 'F' key to toggle through the available colours: none, red, yellow, blue and green
SHIFT + 0 to 5 Assign a 'star' rating to image(s) in the range of none to five stars
H Toggle visibility of rating and flags in review mode.
T Select or deselect the current image as the representing image for the folder it resides within, only when in 'Review' mode
Escape key Abort current operation

Such as exit review mode and abort adding a title/comment etc.