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Permlink Replies: 6 - Pages: 1 - Last Post: 5 Jan 25, 18:10 Last Post By: kilobravo Threads: [ Previous | Next ]

Posts: 148
Registered: 24-Feb-2010
Caught Connection refused
Posted: 3 Jan 25, 03:29
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On the home stretch with my two albums but when I did a last Upload on the Newer Album, I got these errors in the SysCon.

Making "newer album" (Changes)
"newer album" made in 4.916s

Uploading "newer album" to
RemoteFSHandler: Caught Connection refused: getsockopt when calling connect. Reconnecting
RemoteFSHandler: Caught Connection refused: getsockopt when calling connect. Reconnecting
RemoteFSHandler: Caught Connection refused: getsockopt when calling connect. Reconnecting
RemoteFSHandler: Caught Connection refused: getsockopt when calling connect. Reconnecting
RemoteFSHandler: Caught Connection refused: getsockopt when calling connect. Reconnecting
"newer album" uploaded to in 5.776s
All workers shut down

As usual, I have no idea what this means or whether it's a core or skin issue. But, since it isn't a "warning," is it safe to ignore these?


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Registered: 31-Jan-2006
Re: Caught Connection refused
Posted: 3 Jan 25, 03:32   in response to: kilobravo in response to: kilobravo
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You really, really, really need to get away from EIG hosting (of which Hostgator is just one of 60 brands that they've gobbled up). It's garbage.

Posts: 148
Registered: 24-Feb-2010
Re: Caught Connection refused
Posted: 3 Jan 25, 04:26   in response to: JeffTucker in response to: JeffTucker
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Well, I didn't need to read that Jeff as I've probably been through a half dozen hosts over the years. But, I didn't know about EIG and I didn't like what I read. you have any recommendations? I need to see when my contract is up.

And I'll presume that those java errors were due to slow/lousy hosting?

Posts: 8,436
Registered: 31-Jan-2006
Re: Caught Connection refused
Posted: 3 Jan 25, 08:25   in response to: kilobravo in response to: kilobravo
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kilobravo wrote: you have any recommendations? I need to see when my contract is up.

The guy who wrote the blog about EIG used to have a chart of hosting recommendations. Not sure why he changed his site, but the top five are the ones listed on the right side of his page. Click on the logo for any of them to read the review:

I've been with MDDHosting for years, and they've been great. On the rare occasion that I've needed some help, I get a very fast response, often from Michael (the M in MDD) himself.

One piece of advice from Sufyan, and that I've consistently followed, is never to commit to more than one year of hosting from anyone, no matter how good they are, even though you usually get a cheaper rate by doing that. The reason is straightforward - things can change, and you don't want to be a prisoner. I've been with a couple of hosts who said, "We'll never sell out to EIG," but who then got an offer that was too good to walk away from, and sold out to EIG.

And I'll presume that those java errors were due to slow/lousy hosting?

I'm just guessing, but when a host refuses the connection half a dozen times, then accepts it, that's a sign. ;)

Posts: 148
Registered: 24-Feb-2010
Re: Caught Connection refused
Posted: 5 Jan 25, 17:03   in response to: JeffTucker in response to: JeffTucker
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Wow..can't thank you enough for that link, sure opened my eyes and when my contract is up, I plan to switch to MDDH. Support like that is unheard of for me and as you say, while it only is needed on rare occasions, it is priceless when it's helpful and speedy.

Roger on the one year max, I've learned that the hard way, too. I hate the transfer process but if I can get out of the EIG conglomerate, I'll be a happy camper.

BTW gave Neptune a whirl on my test album but for starters, I couldn't figure out how to change the folder orientation, i.e., to switch from vertical to horizontal display and I also couldn't find the setting to make 1:1 thumbnails. Have a couple screenshots per chance? <smile> TIA.

Posts: 8,436
Registered: 31-Jan-2006
Re: Caught Connection refused
Posted: 5 Jan 25, 17:09   in response to: kilobravo in response to: kilobravo
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kilobravo wrote:
BTW gave Neptune a whirl on my test album but for starters, I couldn't figure out how to change the folder orientation, i.e., to switch from vertical to horizontal display and I also couldn't find the setting to make 1:1 thumbnails. Have a couple screenshots per chance? <smile> TIA.

It's all on the Thumbnails tab. Folder thumbnails are either fixed (using whatever thumbnail image bounds you entered on the jAlbum tab) or horizontal (a masonry layout, actual aspect ratio of the images). Image thumbnails are the same, but you can also do a vertical masonry layout (again, actual aspect ratio of the images).

When you choose "fixed" for either thumbnail layout, it uses whatever bounds you've entered on the jAlbum Images tab. So, if your thumbnail bounds are 320x240, you're going to get 4:3 thumbnails, all of them 320x240. What you enter is what you get - the skin never tries to second-guess you.

Posts: 148
Registered: 24-Feb-2010
Re: Caught Connection refused
Posted: 5 Jan 25, 18:10   in response to: JeffTucker in response to: JeffTucker
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OK, I'll go back and have a closer look at the Thumbnails page, thanks.
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