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Posts: 29
Registered: 18-Dec-2013
"Make slide pages" option is not saved with project
Posted: 29 Oct 24, 05:31
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I've been encountering this issue where the off setting for "Make slide pages" (under the Pages section of the album settings) is never saved.

To reproduce:
1) Create a new project with a single image.
2) Uncheck the "Make slide pages" option under the "Pages" section of the album settings.
3) Close the settings window and reopen it: the option is checked again.
4) Uncheck the "Make slide pages" option again but this time also modify some other setting in the "Pages" section.
5) Close the settings window and reopen it: the option remains unchecked. Okay, but...
6) Now save the project and quit jAlbum.
7) Relaunch jAlbum, go back to the project and open the album settings: the option is checked again. It wasn't saved.
8) If you re-make the album at this point, the slide pages will be generated.

There does not appear to be a way to retain the off value for "Make slide pages". It is still possible to generate an album without slide pages if you turn it off and then make the album.

I'm running jAlbum 36 - Java 22, 64 bit on Mac OS Sequoia 15.0.1 with Apple Silicon. My jAlbum skin is set to Tiger - Linen.

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Registered: 4-Aug-2006
Re: "Make slide pages" option is not saved with project
Posted: 29 Oct 24, 11:43   in response to: ccrim in response to: ccrim
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Have you tried a non-bundled skin? Tiger is a lightbox skin and I think still controls the Make slide pages option.

My Missive skin operates in two modes, using slide pages or putting all slide images on the index pages. It is obvious from the output if the make slide pages has been checked or unchecked. If that setting is properly saved then it points to this being a Tiger (lightbox skin) thing.

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Registered: 31-Jan-2006
Re: "Make slide pages" option is not saved with project
Posted: 29 Oct 24, 12:53   in response to: ccrim in response to: ccrim
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If you are using Tiger, and you're choosing to include a Facebook link in the album, Make slide pages must be checked, or the Facebook integration doesn't work. If you try to turn that option off, save the project, close the project, and reopen the project, the skin will turn that option back on, because it knows that it's needed.

Posts: 29
Registered: 18-Dec-2013
Re: "Make slide pages" option is not saved with project
Posted: 30 Oct 24, 06:19   in response to: JeffTucker in response to: JeffTucker
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JeffTucker wrote:
If you are using Tiger, and you're choosing to include a Facebook link in the album, Make slide pages must be checked, or the Facebook integration doesn't work. If you try to turn that option off, save the project, close the project, and reopen the project, the skin will turn that option back on, because it knows that it's needed.

Interesting... I looked and I see sharing via Facebook was enabled and turning that off allowed the "Make slide pages" option to remain unchecked.

That's very curious behavior and it certainly wasn't obvious to me what was going on. However, it doesn't appear that the "share via Facebook" feature works with or without the "Make slide pages" option enabled. Either way, I get a window with "Sorry, something went wrong. We're working on getting this fixed as soon as we can. Meta © 2024 · Help"

No matter, I don't think anyone has ever used the Facebook share feature on my albums so I'll just disable it so that the "Make slide pages" option will stay unchecked.

Update: oh, I see perhaps a Facebook App Id is required. Still don't care. Turning that feature off for all future albums.

Thanks for the tip on what to look for though.

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Registered: 4-Aug-2006
Re: "Make slide pages" option is not saved with project
Posted: 30 Oct 24, 10:56   in response to: ccrim in response to: ccrim
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Moved to Tiger forum as it isn’t a bug.

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Registered: 31-Jan-2006
Re: "Make slide pages" option is not saved with project
Posted: 30 Oct 24, 11:12   in response to: ccrim in response to: ccrim
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ccrim wrote:
Update: oh, I see perhaps a Facebook App Id is required. Still don't care. Turning that feature off for all future albums.

The FB requirements for sharing become more byzantine with every passing month, and the API seems to change constantly. It's all Laza can do to keep up with it. That's also why I don't support social media in my skins at all. Life's too short to keep fighting these battles with a faceless "metabureaucracy."

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Re: "Make slide pages" option is not saved with project
Posted: 31 Oct 24, 07:18   in response to: ccrim in response to: ccrim
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I believe the constant API changes on Facebook are related to their fight against bots that try to manipulate the newsfeed. This is why they do not allow dynamic links - that point to a specific image within a page -, and relative URLs. It seems the troll farms have enough energy to adapt to the new requirements, the normal users don't.
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