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Permlink Replies: 114 - Pages: 8 [ Previous | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ] - Last Post: 27 Jun 24, 16:25 Last Post By: davidekholm Threads: [ Previous | Next ]

Posts: 3,439
Registered: 18-Oct-2002
Re: jAlbum 35 beta for testing
Posted: 25 Jun 24, 10:32   in response to: ronvanrossum in response to: ronvanrossum
ronvanrossum wrote:
Would it be an idea to be able to translate these names?

I'll think about it. As they also represent physical folder names, I prefer not to translate them, but I might do like Window does and present a translated name (although it's more confusing, right?)

People who hate English can delete them and set up their own project groups using any names they please.

Posts: 3,439
Registered: 18-Oct-2002
Re: jAlbum 35 beta for testing
Posted: 25 Jun 24, 10:39   in response to: davidekholm in response to: davidekholm
b18 is now available, offering somewhat faster start up (about 7.8s vs 11.1s if comparing b18 to v34.3). The real startup benefit depends on the size of the recent projects list if that is the current project group

Posts: 3,439
Registered: 18-Oct-2002
Re: jAlbum 35 beta for testing
Posted: 25 Jun 24, 13:07   in response to: davidekholm in response to: davidekholm
b19 now available.
  • Improved rendering speed of recent projects group (it's now cached)
  • Lowered CPU usage of project monitor (code that looks for changes to projects)
  • Fixed ordering bug for recent projects list

Posts: 8,178
Registered: 31-Jan-2006
Re: jAlbum 35 beta for testing
Posted: 25 Jun 24, 14:04   in response to: davidekholm in response to: davidekholm
davidekholm wrote:
ronvanrossum wrote:
Would it be an idea to be able to translate these names?

I'll think about it. As they also represent physical folder names, I prefer not to translate them.....

Is My Albums translated to the installed language? If so, the automatic groups should be, as well. If not, not!

Posts: 8,178
Registered: 31-Jan-2006
Re: jAlbum 35 beta for testing
Posted: 25 Jun 24, 15:03   in response to: davidekholm in response to: davidekholm
davidekholm wrote:
b18 is now available, offering somewhat faster start up (about 7.8s....

Someone should start a GoFundMe site to get you some new gear. On both my aging Windows desktop (Intel i7 and SSD drive, but from 2018) and my shiny new M2 Macbook Air, jAlbum starts up in under 4s. :)

Posts: 3,771
Registered: 4-Aug-2006
Re: jAlbum 35 beta for testing
Posted: 25 Jun 24, 21:04   in response to: davidekholm in response to: davidekholm
davidekholm wrote:
I've fixed this in b17 now. (The old logic didn't accept any mouse shaking)
b17 also lets you delete project groups if they reside under My Albums.
Can you clarify? I just managed to delete the empty 'Tests' group, which is not under 'My Albums'.

Posts: 3,439
Registered: 18-Oct-2002
Re: jAlbum 35 beta for testing
Posted: 26 Jun 24, 09:21   in response to: RobM in response to: RobM
RobM wrote:
davidekholm wrote:
I've fixed this in b17 now. (The old logic didn't accept any mouse shaking)
b17 also lets you delete project groups if they reside under My Albums.
Can you clarify? I just managed to delete the empty 'Tests' group, which is not under 'My Albums'.

What matters isn't how the project groups are presented visually. What matters is where they reside on the hard disk. The "Tests" folder shows up next to "My Albums" visually (for convenience), but is actually located under "My Albums", hence it can be deleted instead of just unlisted.

I envision that the vast majority of those who use project groups will prefer a flat structure (one level of groups), it's however clever to physically store groups under a common root ("My Albums" for backup/restore purposes for instance. That's why "Samples", "Tests" and "Favorites" show up NEXT to "My Albums" but are physically stored UNDER it.

I anticipate that a minority will want to create deeper physical AND visual structures. They can use the sub group concept for that, for instance creating a "Clients" group, and populate it with sub groups for each client.

Posts: 3,771
Registered: 4-Aug-2006
Re: jAlbum 35 beta for testing
Posted: 26 Jun 24, 10:53   in response to: davidekholm in response to: davidekholm
davidekholm wrote:
b17 also lets you delete project groups if they reside under My Albums.
Can you clarify? I just managed to delete the empty 'Tests' group, which is not under 'My Albums'.

What matters isn't how the project groups are presented visually. What matters is where they reside on the hard disk. The "Tests" folder shows up next to "My Albums" visually (for convenience), but is actually located under "My Albums", hence it can be deleted instead of just unlisted.

Thanks for clarifying.

Posts: 8,178
Registered: 31-Jan-2006
Re: jAlbum 35 beta for testing
Posted: 26 Jun 24, 14:52   in response to: davidekholm in response to: davidekholm
davidekholm wrote:
I envision that the vast majority of those who use project groups will prefer a flat structure.... [A] minority will want to create deeper physical AND visual structures.

I agree. It will be interesting, and perhaps a little horrifying, to see the limits to which some of the resident "archivists" will push this mechanism. Will it scale up to petabyte repositories?

Posts: 3,439
Registered: 18-Oct-2002
Re: jAlbum 35 beta for testing
Posted: 27 Jun 24, 16:25   in response to: JeffTucker in response to: JeffTucker
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