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Permlink Replies: 3 - Pages: 1 - Last Post: 5 May 24, 19:13 Last Post By: JeffTucker Threads: [ Previous | Next ]

Posts: 70
Registered: 22-Aug-2022
Is there a way to avoid re-processing JPEGs when album is generated?
Posted: 5 May 24, 17:36
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PLEASE NOTE: this is not relevant to jAlbum LR plugin.

I use Lightroom for my photo editing and at the end I export everything as JPEG at full resolution.

Then when I generate jAlbum album it takes these JPEGs and downscales as specified in my Project Settings (1500x1000).

I think I can export images in the resolution needed directly from Lightroom to provide a better image quality (avoiding JPEG-> JPEG conversion). Am I correct in the assumption this would provide a better quality? Note that this also avoids any changes to Exif/XMP fields that occur during jAlbum downscaling.

But how can I tell jAlbum to use these LR images I exported instead? I know I can probably just copy them over what jAlbum generated but this just seems like a hack.

Posts: 3,771
Registered: 4-Aug-2006
Re: Is there a way to avoid re-processing JPEGs when album is generated?
Posted: 5 May 24, 18:02   in response to: JoeSchmoe5543 in response to: JoeSchmoe5543
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Feeding jAlbum with images that are already the size you want only prevents double compression if you use link to originals. Of course, then you can’t use any image filters like watermark.

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Posts: 70
Registered: 22-Aug-2022
Re: Is there a way to avoid re-processing JPEGs when album is generated?
Posted: 5 May 24, 18:28   in response to: RobM in response to: RobM
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I have no use for filters - not a problem for me.

But am I correct that double-compression unnecessarily reduces the image quality?

Posts: 8,178
Registered: 31-Jan-2006
Re: Is there a way to avoid re-processing JPEGs when album is generated?
Posted: 5 May 24, 19:13   in response to: JoeSchmoe5543 in response to: JoeSchmoe5543
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JoeSchmoe5543 wrote:
But am I correct that double-compression unnecessarily reduces the image quality?

It probably does, but it's mostly theoretical. In a double-blind test, you probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference. But you're right - best to do the scaling once. Either do it in LR, and tell jAlbum to use the (now) originals, or export from LR at full size and let jAlbum do the scaling.
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