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Permlink Replies: 1 - Pages: 1 - Last Post: 26 Aug 23, 03:37 Last Post By: JeffTucker Threads: [ Previous | Next ]

Posts: 11
Registered: 25-Jan-2009
Story Skin - PDF strange behaviour!
Posted: 26 Aug 23, 01:07
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I created a project with two mp4 videos (1x700MB 1x3.3gB) (setting - do not recode) The website worked perfectly on my computer and phone.
Weeks later I added two PDF files (8MB and 23MB) with matching .THM to the site (Setting - use original) . But when I clicked on the thumbnail it would only ever show the thumbnail jpg?

Having tried all sorts of settings I set up a new project with just the two PDFs and it worked perfectly on my computer!??

I decided to separate the PDFs from the videos by inserting a new page (videos.htt ) after the PDFs and before the videos and now the site works for both videos and PDFs on my computer!

Now my only problem is that on my android phone the 23MB PDF comes up "Couldn't preview file - This file is too large to preview"

I shall try and reduce the size from the current 300dpi to ebook resolution (150dpi) and if really necessary down to 72dpi but is this an issue with JAlbum, Story skin or my phone?


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Registered: 31-Jan-2006
Re: Story Skin - PDF strange behaviour!
Posted: 26 Aug 23, 03:37   in response to: mr-pestle in response to: mr-pestle
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I can confirm this, and it's worse than you've reported. Indeed, if there is a video followed by a PDF, the PDF doesn't open - you just get the representing slide image for the PDF, and it's not showing any navigation. It's just opening the PDF slide image in the browser, by itself.

If there are just PDF's, it seems to work properly, but if the first PDF has multiple pages, and you scroll down, all navigation disappears, and you're dead in the water.

The matter of PDF's on a smartphone is another question entirely. In short, phone browsers simply don't have a way of displaying PDF's. Some of them offer the file for download, and from there, you might be able to open it in something like the Kindle reader app.

There is almost nothing a skin can do about this sorry state of affairs. PDF's in a phone browser are just a roll of the dice. In the worst of them, hitting a PDF will completely cripple the gallery display, requiring a forced shutdown.
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