Permlink Replies: 3 - Pages: 1 - Last Post: 11 Jan 24, 01:16 Last Post By: wziegler Threads: [ Previous | Next ]

Posts: 1,908
Registered: 6-Sep-2005
Create new style from the current settings
Posted: 8 Aug 23, 15:08
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This tool creates a new style from the current skin settings.

1. As a first step, download both tools, and copy them to the Config Directory (Ctrl-Shift-C) / tools folder.

2. Open jAlbum with the Empty Project, and select the skin you'd like to modify.

3. Run Tools / External tools / Gather UI keys. (This will create the skin's default settings file (plugins/, which is needed to detect which settings are different from the defaults.)

4. Open the album you want to tweak, and modify the settings to your liking.

5. Once you're satisfied, use the Tools / External tools / Create new style from current settings tool.

6. Enter the name of the new style, and hit OK.

You can change which variables to include or exclude. By default, the tool gathers the "include" list from the current styles and adds those that differ from the default style, but you can add and remove further variables. The "exclude" list is just a quick collection of variables that are usually not included in a style, but you can alter this list too.

7. The new style will be visible to jAlbum only after a skin reload (Ctrl-R)

Please note, that skin updates will remove these custom styles, so before you start a skin update, don't forget to back up your own styles!

You can copy the added styles in a folder called "styles" on the desktop, ZIP this styles folder, and name it as skinName.patch.jaskin, e.g. Tiger.patch.jaskin. This way, after a skin update you can copy back these styles by double-clicking this file.

Please note, overwriting the default styles might not be the best idea.

Posts: 3,570
Registered: 18-Oct-2002
Re: Create new style from the current settings
Posted: 15 Aug 23, 18:23   in response to: Laza in response to: Laza
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Thanks for making this Laza. This is an excellent way to encourage our users to come up with tasteful new styles without having to understand skin development.

Posts: 19
Registered: 26-Nov-2023
Re: Create new style from the current settings
Posted: 11 Jan 24, 00:57   in response to: Laza in response to: Laza
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Hello Laza,
I was just about to ask about a process like this - excellent.

When I started to use jAlbum I used SaveAsSkinDefault once I had a set of parameters I liked. Would it be better to reset that default (how?) before I GatherUIkeys to create my new style?

Otherwise I'll have to be careful to add all the parameters I want to have included/excluded.
I would probably like to have all parameters included, minus the ones which carry custom text, links etc. Is there a way to list all parameters (copy out of the jablum-settings.jab file)?

Posts: 19
Registered: 26-Nov-2023
Re: Create new style from the current settings
Posted: 11 Jan 24, 01:16   in response to: wziegler in response to: wziegler
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Sorry - just saw the 'reset' instructions, would the copy/paste from the settings file also work?
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