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Permlink Replies: 3 - Pages: 1 - Last Post: 22 Mar 23, 22:17 Last Post By: JeffTucker Threads: [ Previous | Next ]

Posts: 17
Registered: 18-Feb-2025
Two questions about this skin.
Posted: 22 Mar 23, 20:30
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I have 2 questions about the skin Projector.

What recommendation can you give for the image sizes in pixels if I want to look at the images in full screen? e.g. height at least 1500Px.

Is it possible to offer a language selection within the skin so that the visitor can select his desired language?

thanks for replies

Posts: 8,438
Registered: 31-Jan-2006
Re: Two questions about this skin.
Posted: 22 Mar 23, 21:01   in response to: NO-USER in response to: NO-USER
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alasco wrote:
What recommendation can you give for the image sizes in pixels if I want to look at the images in full screen? e.g. height at least 1500Px.

Well, there's nothing complicated about that. You want to use original images and scaled images that are large enough to fill a typical monitor. Hitting 1920x1080 would take care of at least 95% of all your site visitors. Bumping it up to 2560x1440 would include iMac 27 users in the "good show" department, though you'll find that the scaled images start getting pretty large (file size).

Is it possible to offer a language selection within the skin so that the visitor can select his desired language?

The skin doesn't have that capability. In fact, I think there's only one skin that does- Polyglot. It's an extremely messy thing to try to do, largely because the jAlbum core doesn't have a built-in way to handle two sets of tooltips, two sets of button labels, two sets of titles, two sets of comments, and so on. So, the skin has to come up with some sort of kludgy method of doing it.

About the only thing you can do is make the album - in English, for example - then make a copy of the project, and change everything - to French, for example. On your site, you'd have to provide a way for a visitor to choose the version he wants to see.

Posts: 17
Registered: 18-Feb-2025
Re: Two questions about this skin.
Posted: 22 Mar 23, 21:59   in response to: JeffTucker in response to: JeffTucker
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Thanks, Jeff, for your fast Support.

"About the only thing you can do is make the album - in English, for example - then make a copy of the project, and change everything - to French, for example. On your site, you'd have to provide a way for a visitor to choose the version he wants to see."

... understood, but how can I give the visitor a way to switch languages?
There are usually small buttons to choose from on the website
language 1
language 2
But how can i install something like this?

Weblocation would be an option, but I can't change the URL or the caption. It is permanently linked to the website.

So I would at least have the opportunity to realize two identical projects with two languages spread over two different domains.

Posts: 8,438
Registered: 31-Jan-2006
Re: Two questions about this skin.
Posted: 22 Mar 23, 22:17   in response to: NO-USER in response to: NO-USER
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Upload the two different versions of the album to two different locations:

You could then create an album with just two web locations, each of them pointing to the corresponding album. The album would consist of just a title bar and a couple of big thumbnails. Put a title on each to indicate which language it leads to.

In fact, you could use big flag images for the web location thumbnails. You can set up a web location to use any image you like for its thumbnail - it doesn't have to be one of the images in the album.
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