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Tool to manage recent projects lists
Posted: 14 Nov 22, 20:47
If you have too many projects to fit within the fifty limit, have projects you only want to work on infrequently or just want to load related projects then this tool will help.

When run it offers a 'Save recent projects list' and a 'Load project list' button. The first time you use the tool you might want to do a 'Save', to preserve your current recent project entries.

Clicking the save button will result in a window asking you to enter a name for the project list. Enter the name and an extension (the file is a text file and .txt is recommended), for a first run you can call it 'All projects.txt'. Next you will be asked to choose a directory to save your recent projects list file. Once you have selected the directory click ok, a 'Project saved' window will let you know it was saved.

Now you can remove projects from the list until you have a set of projects that is relevant to you. Click the save button again and give your list a relevant name and save it to the same location as before (or wherever makes sense to you).

Next click the 'Load project button', you will be asked to navigate to the saved project list location and select it. A progress window will (probably) show up for each project in the saved list. If a new window pops up, like a missing skin message, you will need to click the 'Abort' button in the progress window. This just aborts the progress window, the project will still be loaded. Click on whatever action you want to take and the tool will then continue to run. All of the previous recent projects will be removed and the projects in your saved list loaded.

If a loaded project list has less than three entries an old project may remain in the recent project list. Just ignore it, when jAlbum is restarted it will not be loaded.

When done with the tool click cancel or ok.

The full instructions
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