This tool can replace the function of the bundled 'jAlbum core update tool' in the list of external tools
The tool will install both formal core updates for non-beta versions of jAlbum and beta/release candidate core updates (and if included in a beta core update any associated file.)
With this tool there is no need to remember the static address for beta updates and then manually install the file. It also looks for associated texts files and instals them if found.
Edited by: RobM on 21 Sep 2022, 12:52
Groovy version converted by David for use with jAlbum 28.2 betas onwards
Edited by: RobM on 18 Jan 2025, 20:25
Now looks for standard core update and if none found then asks if you want to try for a beta/release candidate update, then an alpha update. You can terminate the tool at each question. Only use the beta/release candidate and alpha functions if you want to install beta versions of jAlbum and then keep core updates current with changes to the beta core.