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Copy template data from one project to another
Posted: 11 Jan 22, 00:21
This functionality can now be incorporated into a skin but if the skin you use doesn’t support template defaults use the tool below.

If you want to make several albums but in each one you want to use, for example, the same contact and/or about template data then you need to copy hidden files. Unless you use this tool!

Make sure the recipient project exist, the templates in that project can, but do not have to, exist. Also, you must use the same template structure (same family of skins).

Open the project that has the template(s) you want to use again and select them all - one folder at a time. Run the attached tool. When prompted click on the 'Select new project directory with templates' button. The path to the directory is shown below the button - it initially shows the 'My Albums' directory.

Navigate to the other project's directory that you want your templates to be, and click 'OK' to select that directory. Then click 'OK' again to run the tool.

The tool will copy the data for all selected templates to the other project, including any associated comments (from the jAlbum 'Comments' field). When all of the data has been copied the tool will let you know. You can then copy other template data from other folders in your project or load the other project.

If the other project has not yet had the templates added then do so as soon as you load the project - the data will appear (you may need to do a refresh - F5). The templates will have the 'Title', 'Comment' and all of the data from the donor template.

Edited by: RobM on 11 Jan 2022, 09:53
Updated to allow for no file in current project.

Edited by: RobM on 13 Jan 2022, 20:28
Updated some of the dialogue text. Full instructions at

Edited by: RobM on 24 Oct 2022, 23:26
Added a Groovy version
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