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Registered: 3-Mar-2014
Re: NEED HELP ASAP !! Pictures were discolored after create album.
Posted: 16 Nov 21, 17:28   in response to: JeffTucker in response to: JeffTucker
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So far so good ... like I mentioned a few hours earlier the color prob is gone - all pictures now on display - the navigation bar is back und working .....
The Solution? No Clue
What did I do before it worked?
Like I said the last things been mentioned by jeff tucker last night it was to late for me so I did not do them. But before I shot down I thougt I give a quick look on "Tiger" Skin.
By looking through I stoped at "Section" - "Folder Column" I did not expect to find the solution for decoloring, but thought maybe a solution why not all pics are shown. So I changed following: Folder Column vom 3 to 5 / unmark minituare fix size / and changed (inadvertently) the standard foldersymbols .... I did not touch any more. The I start create album.
Like all the other times a waited two minutes and opened the index.html of Egypt (one of the first folders been created) and looked inside..... First there were not all pictures there, like before ... BUT there were all in the right collors!!
I waited a little bit longer and also all pictures in other folders were perfect too..... So I stopped and thought "lets find out what could it be".... and rechanged the changes above.... But it was still working. After I redo all changes to the settings befor and checked the first three folders of color I went to bed.

Today morning by checking it - I found not only all pictures are in the right color. Also all Pictures are shown! And the navigation bar is there too and working .....
Bite me, i have no clue why ... The only explenation I have is, that in Tiger something must be miss registered (what could not be made by mistake because in the time of the last correct picture emplemented and the problem starting I did not change anything in tiger or other settings on Jalbum) and after I changed something like I did - even if this had nothing to do with the prob - it has been corrected.

But still one Bug left: The newer Picture does not have my watermark implemented. The older once have. I checked it and it is still in the point "effects" and should be using...

So if somebody has any clue what was that about (besides to make me 5 days nuts ) pleas let me know.


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Registered: 3-Mar-2014
Re: NEED HELP ASAP !! Pictures were discolored after create album.
Posted: 16 Nov 21, 17:29   in response to: DZengel in response to: DZengel
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No clue why and what the prob was -- but at the moment most works --- praying that it stays this way....

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Re: NEED HELP ASAP !! Pictures were discolored after create album.
Posted: 16 Nov 21, 17:50   in response to: DZengel in response to: DZengel
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Put three new Photos in --- Started create album (only changed) and .... he is doing all new again and descoloring .... AAARRRGGGHHH

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Re: NEED HELP ASAP !! Pictures were discolored after create album.
Posted: 16 Nov 21, 18:23   in response to: DZengel in response to: DZengel
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Try what David suggested above, a previous version of jAlbum, see

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Re: NEED HELP ASAP !! Pictures were discolored after create album.
Posted: 16 Nov 21, 18:59   in response to: RobM in response to: RobM
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I might have one idea .... that causes the problem if not I will do ....

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Registered: 3-Mar-2014
Re: NEED HELP ASAP !! Pictures were discolored after create album.
Posted: 16 Nov 21, 19:31   in response to: DZengel in response to: DZengel
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O.k. does not helped. I thought I might got it, but it was not that. I had a folder made a few weeks ago were I put screenshots in the album. They were png´s.
After it worked today perfect (even the png section you find them here:
I add some newer to it, and that was the first change I made after it were working perfect. And than it were happend again. So I delete the folder and png´s and create the album new.. but still the problems with misscoloring. So at the moment my album on the page is working and will delay this problem till the weekend ... I really dont know why it had worked tonight fine and also during the night when it create all pages new ... but now it want anymore... There were nothing changed - only different I add some new png´s to it.....but if the png´s would had be the problem why it had non problem last night? Thanks for all , I will try out on the weekend and will post when I A) found a solution B) do not found any solution

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Re: NEED HELP ASAP !! Pictures were discolored after create album.
Posted: 17 Nov 21, 13:26   in response to: DZengel in response to: DZengel
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DZengel wrote:
Put three new Photos in --- Started create album (only changed) and .... he is doing all new again and descoloring .... AAARRRGGGHHH

This is a second mystery. If you add three new photos, then click Make Album, it should process only those new photos - the whole thing should be finished in a few seconds, and none of the existing images should change at all. Make sure you are saving the project settings when you're finished making the album, and don't choose Force Remake unless you have a very good reason for doing so.

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Re: NEED HELP ASAP !! Pictures were discolored after create album.
Posted: 17 Nov 21, 20:04   in response to: JeffTucker in response to: JeffTucker
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Like I said I have no clue what is going on... I will try something on the Weekend but (luckywise) at the moment there is a runing (not total new but nearly with the most interesting pics for request) on my webpage. If someone of will try by there self, I could send you the original folder were it make the album from ....... (Like written I copied it allready on my notebook were jalbum was never installed bevor and it brought also the same problems.. so you should have them too --- even I have no clue why it works ones perfect (the version that is online at the moment)...
Also strange: Some of the pics have the watermark ... some dont ... if I let it run again some have double watermarks (and much bigger ones) other don´t .... I think my next stepp should be a katholic priest for exercism.

Edited by: DZengel on 17 Nov 2021, 21:09

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Re: NEED HELP ASAP !! Pictures were discolored after create album.
Posted: 17 Nov 21, 21:40   in response to: DZengel in response to: DZengel
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Try the Sample portfolio project, import your project settings and see if that has the problems.
If not, start adding copies of items from your project until you get the problems again.

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Registered: 22-Jun-2014
Re: NEED HELP ASAP !! Pictures were discolored after create album.
Posted: 21 Nov 21, 03:12   in response to: RobM in response to: RobM
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I've been experiencing the same/similar thumbnail discoloration issues too. I tried some of the suggested fixes (most recently, rebuilt one of the albums I was seeing the discoloration on using a different skin--went from tiger to neptune). I saw the discolored thumbnails even after a complete remake (turned off the "Process only updated subdirectories" option and rebuilt).

The only work-around fixes/"fixes" that seem to work for me are:

  • Delete and re-insert the picture with the discolored thumbnail (the full sized/original shot always looks good/properly colored no matter what it seems). Rebuilding then gets the colors correct
  • Switch to a different skin, do a complete remake/force make, then switch back to the original skin (tiger in my case) and all seems resolved.

I don't know if this workaround will hold when I add additional new photos yet but...we'll see.

And really, I'd love to see this mysterious and quirky bug resolved. All that said, I'm still a huge fan of jalbum and it's awesome skins!

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Registered: 22-Jun-2014
Re: NEED HELP ASAP !! Pictures were discolored after create album.
Posted: 21 Nov 21, 03:27   in response to: crudmucosa in response to: crudmucosa
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Ahhhh nope! Spoke too soon. The reason I'm not seeing the discolored thumbnails is because my tiger skin settings defaulted back to the Pages => "Link to Originals" setting instead of the "Link to originals via scaled images" setting I usually have them on. As soon as I turned on the scaled images setting, I see the discoloration again. sigh

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Re: NEED HELP ASAP !! Pictures were discolored after create album.
Posted: 21 Nov 21, 04:24   in response to: crudmucosa in response to: crudmucosa
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crudmucosa wrote:
Ahhhh nope! Spoke too soon. The reason I'm not seeing the discolored thumbnails is because my tiger skin settings defaulted back to the Pages => "Link to Originals" setting instead of the "Link to originals via scaled images" setting I usually have them on. As soon as I turned on the scaled images setting, I see the discoloration again. sigh

Are you saying that the link settings are changing by themselves? No skin defaults to Link to originals.

But the linking wouldn't matter - the thumbnails are always pumped through the image processor. That setting affects only the slide images.

Finally, even changing skins doesn't automatically regenerate the thumbnails or slides. The only thing that causes that is changing the image bounds, or forcing reprocessing by choosing Force Remake.

I'm sorry you're having these problems, but until someone can boil this down to a small album that shows the error, and in a way that someone else can reproduce, there's not much that can be done. Doing a complete uninstall/reinstall is absolutely vital, and reverting to all default settings would help narrow things down. Open your config directory - Tools, Open directories, Config directory - and delete defaults.jap, along with any skin defaults, like Tiger-defaults.jap.

Then, after making sure that you have backup copies of your project, choose a different skin, then, without even processing the album, switch back to the original skin. This will reset all of the skin settings to their default values. Delete the output - click the little down-arrow next to the project name and choose Delete, Delete local album. Now Make Album.

If you're still seeing the problem, start excluding things and doing forced remakes until you can zero in on which objects seem to be triggering the problem. The objective of this exercise is to get to an album that shows the problem, but that's small enough to zip up and pass along to David.

One random thought.... On the theory that there's some sort of multi-threading issue, go to Tools, Preferences, Advanced, and change the number of threads to 1. Now do a Force Remake. This will definitely be much slower, but it might shed some light on what's happening.

And, as always, if you see a little warning triangle at lower right, open the system console (F7), and copy and paste whatever messages you see there (beyond the boilerplate, which ends with "You can interact with any Java object").

Posts: 8
Registered: 22-Jun-2014
Re: NEED HELP ASAP !! Pictures were discolored after create album.
Posted: 21 Nov 21, 12:26   in response to: JeffTucker in response to: JeffTucker
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All good points great info! I'll take those steps when I get a chance today/tomorrow (I'm throwing together a small test album as I type this and am gonna reinstall jalbum in a bit)! Oh when I mentioned "defaults" I meant my custom defaults for the tiger skin (which is the main skin I use for my subdomains so I like each of my sites to start with the same basic settings baselines. I must have accidentally set the "link to originals" option when setting the skin defaults ages ago.

Thanks again for your patience and debugging tips. I'll follow your steps and report back.

I'm on a MacBook Pro (2017) running macOS Big Sur (11.6), 16 GB of RAM, jalbum 25.1.1, java 14 (64 bit), tiger version 3.7.2.

Cheers and thanks

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Re: NEED HELP ASAP !! Pictures were discolored after create album.
Posted: 21 Nov 21, 12:37   in response to: crudmucosa in response to: crudmucosa
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If you still have problems, and can’t make a project that reproductively shows the problem, try reverting to jAlbum 22.1. If that works well, install newer releases until the problem reappears.

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Re: NEED HELP ASAP !! Pictures were discolored after create album.
Posted: 22 Nov 21, 16:29   in response to: RobM in response to: RobM
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Here is one test you can make: Remove the "jdeli-daily.jar" file from jAlbum's lib folder, then restart jAlbum and force a remake of a gallery. Any change?
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