Re: NEED HELP ASAP !! Pictures were discolored after create album.
15 Nov 21, 21:48
in response to: RobM
Did you try turning off 'Attempt to use hardware accelerated scaling' as Jeff suggested?
That was a real long shot, and it wouldn't explain the missing thumbnails.
What the user is seeing now suggests damaged program and/or skin files, which makes me think that there's a deeper PC issue involved, here. A full uninstall/reinstall should have taken care of that, unless he decided to second-guess the instructions and skip some things ("I'm sure I don't need to do this part").
Re: NEED HELP ASAP !! Pictures were discolored after create album.
15 Nov 21, 21:57
in response to: JeffTucker
Did you try turning off 'Attempt to use hardware accelerated scaling' as Jeff suggested?
That was a real long shot, and it wouldn't explain the missing thumbnails.
What the user is seeing now suggests damaged program and/or skin files, which makes me think that there's a deeper PC issue involved, here. A full uninstall/reinstall should have taken care of that, unless he decided to second-guess the instructions and skip some things ("I'm sure I don't need to do this part").
I just tried building an album with one of the images, several builds and no issue.
Dirk, can you try using jAlbum on another computer?
Re: NEED HELP ASAP !! Pictures were discolored after create album.
15 Nov 21, 22:05
in response to: RobM
I just tried building an album with one of the images, several builds and no issue.
I was even using his project settings and had no problems, so it's very mysterious.
Re: NEED HELP ASAP !! Pictures were discolored after create album.
15 Nov 21, 23:20
in response to: JeffTucker
Also, the deinstallation and installation I followed all the stepps you wrote ... did not think about it .. just did it, cause I thought if I would miss something that might be the problem.
About the question of a redoing it on a nother computer, that is possible. I will install it on my notebook (i9) - during I write you the answer I am copying my album folder on a potable harddrive (windows says 7 Min. left) so I think getting my nb install jalbum ... you should got an answer in the next 30 Min.
Re: NEED HELP ASAP !! Pictures were discolored after create album.
15 Nov 21, 23:37
in response to: DZengel
So back ...
Shortcut: I installed it new on my nb (never was any version on it). Also here the same problem: in the first album folder: 2 pics were discolored and there were also to less pictures to see.....
BUT what I saw during I copied my album files: I have jalbum-settings and jalbum-settings-old in my folder. I just attached it here... might be the problem?
Re: NEED HELP ASAP !! Pictures were discolored after create album.
15 Nov 21, 23:40
in response to: DZengel
Ok changed the -old to the new one .. .got worth :-/
Re: NEED HELP ASAP !! Pictures were discolored after create album.
15 Nov 21, 23:43
in response to: DZengel
BUT what I saw during I copied my album files: I have jalbum-settings and jalbum-settings-old in my folder. I just attached it here... might be the problem?
No, that's just a backup copy, for safety.
Re: NEED HELP ASAP !! Pictures were discolored after create album.
15 Nov 21, 23:50
in response to: JeffTucker
Ah I forget to mention something else. I prepaired a few days ago for a request of my collegue pictures and had redo a new album for her. There went nothing wrong and all good. The Album I uploaded on my server. You find it here: also the liveboat is on the same spot....
Maybe you can read something out there
Re: NEED HELP ASAP !! Pictures were discolored after create album.
16 Nov 21, 00:05
in response to: DZengel
So just updating what I was doing:
I restart the creating of the other album (...katja) and it worked perfect: a) non descoloration b) the number of the pics are the same as shown c) the navigation bar above ist there and works ..... .
So the next thing came in my mind to copy the jalbum-settings into the other album folder and start jalbum and start creating this album (the once we working all day on) .. but still same problems as before.....
Re: NEED HELP ASAP !! Pictures were discolored after create album.
16 Nov 21, 00:08
in response to: DZengel
If you want to spend a little time experimenting, the next thing I would do is try another skin - not one of Laza's JSON skins.
On the notebook, install Neptune:
Open the project, and delete the output entirely. Click the little down-arrow next to the project name and choose Delete, Delete local album. Choose the Neptune skin.
Now turn off all of your non-default settings:
- Settings > Images > General, take the skin defaults of 270x180 thumbnails, 2000x900 slide images, HiDPI thumbnails, and regular slide images (i.e., not HiDPI).
- Settings > Images > Advanced, remove the copyright embedding completely.
- Settings > Effects > Text, remove the watermark text.
- Settings > Effects > Auto, de-select Auto Contrast and Auto Levels.
- Settings > Advanced > Metadata > Comment sources, choose only jAlbum (Text file)
- Settings > Advanced > Metadata > Title source, choose No IPTC.
- Settings > Advanced > Metadata, the checkboxes at the bottom, choose only the first one.
Now make the album, and see what the results look like. Don't worry about things like theme images, layout, etc. We just want to see if the images are generated correctly, and if all the thumbnails are present in each folder.
Re: NEED HELP ASAP !! Pictures were discolored after create album.
16 Nov 21, 00:15
in response to: JeffTucker
Thanks Jeff,
but this have to wait till tomorrow. Here in germany it is quarter past midnight and my next apointment is in 8 hours. I will not be back on my desk till tomorrow ... ups today 1700 or 5pm (depence where you from :)) I just prepairing the mail to helpdesk as suggested and than I need to rest. I will reply after I made the changes. Thanks for your help . See you
Re: NEED HELP ASAP !! Pictures were discolored after create album.
16 Nov 21, 00:42
in response to: JeffTucker
One last (i think i got nuts) report:
Bevor I wanted to shut down, i thought I took a look on the skins (tiger) i am using. So I klicked on it and when i came to "sections" there is "Folder Column" -- FIRST let me say the last time I was in here is about years ago, so there is no way I changed anything by myselfe --- so i klicked the number from 3 to 5 and unselect "miniatures fixed size" and changed the "standard folder symbol" that was all .... My thought were that this might increased the shown pics ....
So I start "creating album"... and guess what? The numbers of the pics are the same ... BUT there were no discoloration!!! I tried again udn again ... also let produce more folders... nothing ... Still no navigation bar and not all pictures shown but it seams no more discoloration...
It´s get better .... I changed it back (it was not so hard to do, cause there were only three things i changed) ... so better sit down: Still no descoloration ....
(still no bar and not the right number) ...
I will start it again and see tomorrow if this one prob is solved ... Will write later
Re: NEED HELP ASAP !! Pictures were discolored after create album.
16 Nov 21, 15:44
in response to: DZengel
I have no clues really. Couldn't reproduce the color problem using your pictures either. Try running a far older jAlbum version, v20 for instance and see if there is a difference (we've added and updated some image-reading libraries in later versions)
Re: NEED HELP ASAP !! Pictures were discolored after create album.
16 Nov 21, 15:55
in response to: davidekholm
Just thinking out loud....
If I had to take a wild guess at what's happening, I'd say that somewhere in that project, there's an image that has some kind of internal data problem. That, in turn, is kicking the image processor - maybe causing something like a buffer overflow. From that moment on, the image processor is lousing up other images. Given the multi-threading that's going on, the affected images might change on every album remake, in a seemingly random way.
If that's the case, the challenge will be to find the offending image. That will require an incremental approach. Exclude all of the folders except one, do a Force Remake, and look at the results. Then start including one folder at a time, doing a Force Remake each time, until the problems start showing up. Then start zeroing in on the problem image by excluding half of the images in the folder, etc., etc.
If the metadata in the "bad" image is also mangled, that might explain some of the "wrong thumbnail count" problems, as well.
But this is all just "gut feel" speculation.
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