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Permlink Replies: 5 - Pages: 1 - Last Post: 28 Aug 21, 13:28 Last Post By: JeffTucker Threads: [ Previous | Next ]

Posts: 74
Registered: 2-Aug-2010
Page 'Web location' with unwished comment as a duplicate of title
Posted: 27 Aug 21, 11:18
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a new page of type 'Web Location' gets automatically a unwished comment which is identical to a title (if defined).
Refer to
(in German). I had to delete all such unwished comments manually. It would be fine, if such an comment will not be generated in a future version of jAlbum.

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Registered: 31-Jan-2006
Re: Page 'Web location' with unwished comment as a duplicate of title
Posted: 27 Aug 21, 12:58   in response to: ufalbum in response to: ufalbum
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That's not quite what's happening. jAlbum is extracting a title from the <title> tag on the page. It extracts a comment from the <meta name='description'> tag on the page. But on many pages those two tags contain the same content.

Try creating web locations from these three links:

A title, but no description:

A title, and a different description:

A title, and an identical description:

jAlbum isn't intentionally duplicating anything. The page is doing it, and that's because while the two HTML tags perform slightly different functions on a page, having the same content in both is not unusual.

It's analogous to the title and comment source choices on the Settings > Advanced > Metadata tab. If you choose IPTC Object Name as the title source, and IPTC Caption as the comment source, you might end up with the same text in both fields.

So, what would the ideal behavior be? Don't pick up title or comment automatically? Always pick up one, but not the other? Pick up both, but delete one of them if they're identical?

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Re: Page 'Web location' with unwished comment as a duplicate of title
Posted: 27 Aug 21, 14:51   in response to: JeffTucker in response to: JeffTucker
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Being able to see the title and comment, if any, when adding the web location might help. That info. could fit above the image.

Posts: 74
Registered: 2-Aug-2010
Re: Page 'Web location' with unwished comment as a duplicate of title
Posted: 28 Aug 21, 08:59   in response to: JeffTucker in response to: JeffTucker
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It works.

But 'my' Web Locations don't link to an external URL but to an internal address within the same album. In this case I use Web Locations only to refer to a part, resp. subalbum of the whole album (newest).
The subalbums normally have no comment, but only a title. Using the URL of this subalbum as the URL for the webloc, jAlbum adds a comment which is identical to the title.


Posts: 8,223
Registered: 31-Jan-2006
Re: Page 'Web location' with unwished comment as a duplicate of title
Posted: 28 Aug 21, 12:58   in response to: ufalbum in response to: ufalbum
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Attachment ss009384.png (20.4 KB)
Again, no, that's not what's happening.

The web location is not looking for any jAlbum variables, like a folder title or a folder comment, because most web pages are not produced by jAlbum, and don't have any jAlbum variables.

The web location is just looking at the HTML internals. It's picking up the tags from the HTML <head> section, specifically, the <title> tag and the <meta name="description"> tag. These have nothing to do with jAlbum.

So, what's in those two tags on a page that was created by jAlbum? That depends upon what the skin developer decided to put into them. Take a look at the attached screenshot of the page code from a page from a Tiger album. Laza has chosen to use the folder name for both of those fields. So if you create a web location that points to that page, those are the two fields that will be chosen as a "first guess" for a title and comment for the web location.

jAlbum isn't duplicating anything - when it creates the web location object, it's grabbing what's on the page that's being linked to.

Posts: 8,223
Registered: 31-Jan-2006
Re: Page 'Web location' with unwished comment as a duplicate of title
Posted: 28 Aug 21, 13:28   in response to: JeffTucker in response to: JeffTucker
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BTW, the content of those HTML tags is generally not shown on the web page at all. The <title> tag contents do appear on the browser tab, and that text also gets grabbed if you bookmark a page. The <meta name="description"> tag contents are used only by search engines - that text might appear as part of a search result.
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