I think I know what has happened here. Until the latest release, jAlbum would use the last file modification date if there was no camera date recorded. It appears that it stored that information in the
.info file for the folder. So, for the folders from 2020 and earlier, it used the file date. But jAlbum no longer does that. If there is no camera date, it does
not use the file date. So for the 2021 images, it will not use the file date. For the older folders, that information has already been stored. But if you started out with a new project, using the same images, it would not do that again.
You could add an EXIF camera date to the most recent 2021 image with another application, like
EXIF Pilot. Then jAlbum could see it.
(Laza - I believe that
getCameraDates(), for extracting the range, no longer uses the file date if there is no camera date, but
getCameraDate(), for extracting a single date, still does. But I've lost track. We probably need a method that lets us choose whether to use the fallback or not.)