Upon reflection, do this only if it's easy, and only if Laza wants it.
In my skins, I'm using this logic only to determine "newness," not to retrieve a range of dates. I.e., is there something in this folder that's less than X days old. In most cases, using the "added to the project" date makes the most sense, and that's what I default to. Someone who chooses the camera date, instead, isn't likely to be adding material that has no camera date. If he is, he might as well just use the added date, and be done with it. I think I might remove the "file date instead" option from my skins. I can't really think of a good use case for it.
Someone who wants to retrieve the camera date range (used in Laza's skins) can easily take care of the "no camera date" condition. Just find the oldest object and use something like ExifTool to plant a camera date on it. No need to take care of all the others - just putting a date on the oldest one is sufficient.