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Permlink Replies: 45 - Pages: 4 [ Previous | 1 2 3 4 ] - Last Post: 21 Jul 21, 22:53 Last Post By: xexyl Threads: [ Previous | Next ]

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Registered: 1-Sep-2009
Re: Changed filter processing in 23.0.1
Posted: 21 Jul 21, 22:53   in response to: davidekholm in response to: davidekholm
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davidekholm wrote:
xexyl wrote:

This solves the problem! Did you modify any of the other filters?


All seems good - except for the strange combination of three of the filters making the image completely black. But that's I guess to be expected with what the filters do.

Compare with the result of using jAlbum 22 or jAlbum 24.1.1 with one single processing thread. If there is a difference, then there's more to look into.

I had been doing that but it occurred to me why it happened. Or rather I discovered why when I looked at the per cent set in the TranslucentFilter. 10%. That's why it was so dark.

Thank you very much! This also solves the problem of slow processing and running out of memory - which makes sense.

Parallel processing can actually use MORE ram, but it's worth it. Due to the fact that jAlbum 24 and 23 clones each filter before applying it and then drops the clones thereafter, then any memory held by the filter is reclaimed faster. This does save RAM.

Yeah. But the filters no longer eat up RAM and run out of memory. I however haven't profiled any of this and I have no real reason to at this time (and I hope that remains the same).

Now the one obvious question that remains: do I mark the skin as needing the new jAlbum version or can I keep it as 17?

You can keep it at 17 but write a note to users of more recent versions to do a core update to v24.1.1

Yup, I did that although I don't think I specified the version just to do the most recent update. That was before you made the additional changes though.

Have a good night!


And thank you!
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