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Registered: 14-Dec-2007
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
Posted: 22 Dec 20, 20:39   in response to: davidekholm in response to: davidekholm
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davidekholm wrote:
Ok, then it looks like this has been implemented in later versions of Lr. Look into the possibility of selecting a custom sort order in Lighroom. It might be that Lightroom is set to another sort order currently.
What about the missing .jalbum folder?

Posts: 3,625
Registered: 18-Oct-2002
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
Posted: 22 Dec 20, 20:40   in response to: AndreWolff in response to: AndreWolff
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AndreWolff wrote:
davidekholm wrote:
Ok, then it looks like this has been implemented in later versions of Lr. Look into the possibility of selecting a custom sort order in Lighroom. It might be that Lightroom is set to another sort order currently.
What about the missing .jalbum folder?

No surprise. If your Lr version isn't calling the "enforce ordering" callback, then no .jalbum folder will be created until it's created by jAlbum when you make the album for instance.

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Registered: 14-Dec-2007
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
Posted: 22 Dec 20, 20:42   in response to: davidekholm in response to: davidekholm
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davidekholm wrote:
I've updated the plugin again. It's now v 0.7.0. The change I made was to skip the overwrite warning for files younger than 24h. This will make the behavior less annoying but still provide a decent protection against accidental overwrites of old files.
Are you taking about the confirm message if data are ported back to LR?
That is for me not annoying, because I hardly see these messages!

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Registered: 14-Dec-2007
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
Posted: 22 Dec 20, 21:00   in response to: davidekholm in response to: davidekholm
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davidekholm wrote:
Ok, then it looks like this has been implemented in later versions of Lr. Look into the possibility of selecting a custom sort order in Lighroom. It might be that Lightroom is set to another sort order currently.
OK I discovered that I can change the order in normal and published collections and in folders without a sub-folder by just dragging the inner image (I tried initially to drag the image with the border around the image).

I did more tests and I think that works now fine with 'Impose LR order check-mark' set.

Porting back captions added in jAlbum is not working for owners of Olympus camera's, because the LR caption field contains the string 'OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA'. All captions added in jAlbum are automatically removed after a publish.
I think you can only repair this if you indicate in the settings that a string like 'OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA' should be ignored as I do in my skins.

I still do not understand why I don't see captions with the text 'OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA' in jAlbum after a Publish action.

I would like to add an Olympus ORF file to this reply, so that you can investigate this, but these images are too large for the forum. But you can download two of my Olympus camera images from my website:

Edited by: AndreWolff on 23-Dec-2020 09:48

Posts: 1,158
Registered: 14-Dec-2007
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
Posted: 23 Dec 20, 10:58   in response to: davidekholm in response to: davidekholm
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This is still unacceptable I think:

  • If a LR caption is empty and you add for that image in jAlbum a caption, that caption is ported to LR in the next publish action if you have set 'Mark fore Republish'. If you next correct a spelling error in the jAlbum caption for that image and you repeat the procedure, the corrected caption is not ported to LR.
  • If the LR caption field contains the string 'OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA'. All captions added in jAlbum are automatically removed after a publish.

I still think the plug-in should compare the jAlbum comment with the LR caption and if these are different, the jAlbum text could be ported to LR, but each text has to be confirmed and not just one confirmation for all changed text. This automatically prevents the potential conflict is the same caption is both changed in jAlbum and in LR.

Posts: 3,625
Registered: 18-Oct-2002
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
Posted: 23 Dec 20, 16:13   in response to: AndreWolff in response to: AndreWolff
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AndreWolff wrote:
davidekholm wrote:
I've updated the plugin again. It's now v 0.7.0. The change I made was to skip the overwrite warning for files younger than 24h. This will make the behavior less annoying but still provide a decent protection against accidental overwrites of old files.
Are you taking about the confirm message if data are ported back to LR?
That is for me not annoying, because I hardly see these messages!

No, I'm talking about the warning messages about overwrites existing files.

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Registered: 18-Oct-2002
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
Posted: 23 Dec 20, 16:19   in response to: AndreWolff in response to: AndreWolff
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AndreWolff wrote:
This is still unacceptable I think:

  • If a LR caption is empty and you add for that image in jAlbum a caption, that caption is ported to LR in the next publish action if you have set 'Mark fore Republish'. If you next correct a spelling error in the jAlbum caption for that image and you repeat the procedure, the corrected caption is not ported to LR.

The reason for this is to avoid data loss in Lightroom which is presumably the primary metadata manager. The plugin can't know which of these captions are the latest ones so it takes the safe route to only back-import captions that are missing in Lightrroom. Better than nothing.

* If the LR caption field contains the string 'OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA'. All captions added in jAlbum are automatically removed after a publish.

Isn't there some way to uncheck EXIF as comment source in Lightroom and thereby get rid of the "OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA" text? I could naturally start making special rules for various copyright messages, but's it's a moving target.

I still think the plug-in should compare the jAlbum comment with the LR caption and if these are different, the jAlbum text could be ported to LR, but each text has to be confirmed and not just one confirmation for all changed text. This automatically prevents the potential conflict is the same caption is both changed in jAlbum and in LR.

If we do so, then we'd have to involve the user to select which version to keep

Posts: 1,158
Registered: 14-Dec-2007
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
Posted: 23 Dec 20, 16:28   in response to: davidekholm in response to: davidekholm
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davidekholm wrote:
No, I'm talking about the warning messages about overwrites existing files.
I have never seen such a warning, but I have both setup checkboxes set.

Posts: 1,158
Registered: 14-Dec-2007
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
Posted: 23 Dec 20, 16:41   in response to: davidekholm in response to: davidekholm
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davidekholm wrote:
The reason for this is to avoid data loss in Lightroom which is presumably the primary metadata manager. The plugin can't know which of these captions are the latest ones so it takes the safe route to only back-import captions that are missing in Lightrroom. Better than nothing.
I don’t agree, you should, while porting jalbum captions back, compare the jalbum en LR caption and let the user decide which caption should go or stay in LR.
Isn't there some way to uncheck EXIF as comment source in Lightroom and thereby get rid of the "OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA" text?
I don’t think so.

But I found a way to clear that field during input: How to Remove the ‘OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA’ Caption From Your Photos.
I could naturally start making special rules for various copyright messages, but's it's a moving target.
No you should add to the setup a text field which could be filled by the user.The given string should be ignored as LR caption. I should fill that field with ‘OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA"
This is what I do in my skins.
If we do so, then we'd have to involve the user to select which version to keep.
Yes no problem at all, it are the data of the user so he / she should decide.

BTW in the first tests of the plugin I had some problems because in the Advanced / Metadata tab check-mark xmp was not set.
Why don't remove you that checkmark and handle all actions as is done with this checkmark set?

Edited by: AndreWolff on 23-Dec-2020 18:59

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Registered: 2-Feb-2014
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
Posted: 28 Dec 20, 15:53   in response to: davidekholm in response to: davidekholm
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There are many users out there who do not like the Adobe Lightroom cloud version.
Too bad ... I did not spend anymore money for Adobe since then. In the past I did most every year.

Thanks for the plug-in


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Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
Posted: 6 Jan 24, 13:14   in response to: davidekholm in response to: davidekholm
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I like both Jalbum and Lightroom, but I am a bit confused about terminology (largely due to Adobe). I (like many) have "Lightroom Classic" (i.e. desktop version with local storage) as part of a Creative Cloud Photo subscription. Does your reply mean that this plugin will not work with my system? If so, is there a plugin that will?

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Registered: 4-Aug-2006
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
Posted: 6 Jan 24, 17:11   in response to: bobharris in response to: bobharris
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Just to clarify, this plugin is not for the Creative Cloud version of Lightroom. It's for "Lightroom Classic", formerly know as "Lightroom" only.

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Registered: 20-Jan-2025
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
Posted: 21 Jan 25, 01:19   in response to: davidekholm in response to: davidekholm
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I want to try the jAlbum Lightroom plugin, but I'm not sure which plugin is the newest one. I downloaded the one mentioned here and it shows version 0.7.0, looking inside the info.lua file:
VERSION = { major=0, minor=7, revision=0, build=20201222, },
Then I also downloaded the one from Adobe (, and it shows version 0.5.3 but with a newer build date:
VERSION = { major=0, minor=5, revision=3, build=20210618, },

Which one is the latest, or is there an even newer one? (these are several years old, do they still work?).
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