Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
21 Dec 20, 18:41
in response to: davidekholm
The workaround for now is to rearrange two images followed by right clicking that collection and select "Publish now".
Sorry David, I don't understand this. I still see that the last updated image in LR is added at the end of the album in jAlbum.
I guess that now unescaping the double backslashes which fixes the "My Albums" path, also fixes the problem you reported with the project file not being created.
Yes indeed
On the problem with the wrong skin being picked, this is something I'll probably address by a jAlbum update
This works now fine.
What about the fact that no caption added or changed in jAlbum is ported back in LR?
I see no confirm message as I have seen earlier and no new caption appears in LR.
Edited by: AndreWolff on 21-Dec-2020 18:45
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
21 Dec 20, 22:56
in response to: AndreWolff
What about the fact that no caption added or changed in jAlbum is ported back in LR?
I see no confirm message as I have seen earlier and no new caption appears in LR.
They are added back, but only if the caption is missing (empty) in Lightroom AND you are publishing that image again. Right-click the collection and select "Mark to Republish", then publish again. Now, you should get the option to import the changed jAlbum comment back to Lightroom as a caption.
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
21 Dec 20, 23:01
in response to: AndreWolff
New plugin update: Now (on 1:st publish) the default skin and style is also picked up from jAlbum Preferences.
yes that works now as expected.
Personally I find it strange that the default value for 'Overwriting existing jAlbums' is un-checked , because that is the power of a plug-in: just update images which are updated in LR.
If you leave this unchecked, you cas as well use an Export action!
I'd check the "Overwrite existing jAlbum files" checkbox personally, but I want it to be an opt-in choice so we don't get accused for causing data loss.
Well, this plugin does more actions than just an export tool. Apart from integrating better with jAlbum, it also lets you manage the image ordering and structure: moved and renamed collection sets are instantly mirrored in the jAlbum folder hierarchy.
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
21 Dec 20, 23:06
in response to: AndreWolff
Sorry David, I don't understand this. I still see that the last updated image in LR is added at the end of the album in jAlbum.
Interesting... I can't reproduce that one. I update the caption of an image and hit publish, but it stays in the location it should be in. I don't doubt what you report, but I naturally need to be able to reproduce the problem in order to fix it.
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
21 Dec 20, 23:12
in response to: davidekholm
Apart from integrating better with jAlbum, it also lets you manage the image ordering and structure ...
Well I think there are a lot of problems around the LR sequence, which is mostly not visible in JAlbum, see my remarks above.
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
22 Dec 20, 10:03
in response to: davidekholm
Interesting... I can't reproduce that one. I update the caption of an image and hit publish, but it stays in the location it should be in. I don't doubt what you report, but I naturally need to be able to reproduce the problem in order to fix it.
In the attached screen movie you see the procedure in LR. The automatic opening of jAlbum could not be recorded, but you see the final result in attached screenshot FinalResult.png
What is an easy method / program to make a screenmovie with Windows 10?
I used here Windows_key + G to do that, but it does not record program changes or the desktop.
The movie was too large to be attached, so I did add the movie and the screenshot to the test album.
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
22 Dec 20, 13:02
in response to: AndreWolff
Thanks for the video André. Much clearer. As for screen recording software for Windows I'll let others answer that (I use a Mac and Quicktime). Check with the "albumfiles.txt" file whether that edited image is indeed at the last line of .jalbum\albumfiles.txt. I suspect it is. In that case, it's an indication that Lightroom has explicitly directed jAlbum to put that file last. It doesn't behave like that on Lr 10 so I suspect this to be a bug that they have fixed. If you select View->Order by in jAlbum, is it set to "custom"? (it should)
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
22 Dec 20, 13:43
in response to: davidekholm
As for screen recording software for Windows I'll let others answer that (I use a Mac and Quicktime).
I am using Snagit, but that software is to be paid for. I like it because it is easy to use and can be used to either copy system sounds or voice over. But it is already 50€ for a lifetime license.
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
22 Dec 20, 14:01
in response to: davidekholm
Check with the "albumfiles.txt" file whether that edited image is indeed at the last line of .jalbum\albumfiles.txt. I suspect it is.
Yes indeed.
I know how to solve this problem: just clear check-mark 'Impose Lighroom's sort order'.
In that case I see with the first publish action in jAlbum the same sequence I see in LR. To get Custom order I move one image to another place (there is probably a better way, which I don't know). Now with each publish action after an edit in LR, the jAlbum sequence is not changed.
I wonder why you have a check-mark 'Impose Lighroom's sort order', because I can't change the order I see in LR, but I am not a LR expert!
Because my albums display mostly GPS walkings, I like to use the exposure time as sequence in my albums, so I change the filenames in LR, so that the exposure date/time is in the filename, like 160818-112409_Haarlem.dng.
With the Export function I normally use, I get in jAlbum always the correct sequence and I see this also in the jAlbum plug-in if I clear check-mark 'Impose Lighroom's sort order'.
After the first publish action of a new album, I could not find .jalbum\albumfiles.txt A .jalbum folder was only visible after the first Make.
Edited by: AndreWolff on 22-Dec-2020 14:08
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
22 Dec 20, 14:05
in response to: RuudWesterhout
I am using Snagit, but that software is to be paid for. I like it because it is easy to use and can be used to either copy system sounds or voice over. But it is already 50€ for a lifetime license.
Well I am only using it to help David to solve issues, I hope he will not create that many issues that it is worthwhile to do such an investment!
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
22 Dec 20, 14:47
in response to: davidekholm
They are added back, but only if the caption is missing (empty) in Lightroom AND you are publishing that image again. Right-click the collection and select "Mark to Republish", then publish again. Now, you should get the option to import the changed jAlbum comment back to Lightroom as a caption.
This works sometimes, I hope you set that "Mark to Republish" bold in the manual!
If I enter in jAlbum a comment for an image which contains in LR the text 'OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA' ( see point 5 above) that text is after a confirm message not ported to LR, but it is cleared in jAlbum after the Publish action!
I saw the confirm message only because another jAbum comment was changed. If only a comment for such a 'OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA' image is entered, there is no confirm message, but the comment is cleared after the publish.
So I say again: this will only work if the plug-in compares the jAlbum comment with the LR caption and if these are different, the jAlbum text could be ported to LR, but each text has to be confirmed and not just one confirmation for all changed text.
I my eyes the current port back option which seems to work only for empty LR captions, is difficult to understand.
If new or changed LR captions are easy and correctly ported to jAlbum, I think it is better to educate the users so that they only update captions in the LR database in which case you can remove the limited port back option.
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
22 Dec 20, 18:19
in response to: AndreWolff
I wonder why you have a check-mark 'Impose Lighroom's sort order', because I can't change the order I see in LR, but I am not a LR expert!
At least in Lr 10 you can navigate to a plain published collection (i.e. no collection set), now you can drag and drop images to rearrange them. This new ordering should be respected by jAlbum if you have "Impose sort order" checked, but if Lr 6 perhaps is buggy in this regard, then you're probably better off keeping that setting unchecked and rearranging images within jAlbum instead.
After the first publish action of a new album, I could not find .jalbum\albumfiles.txt A .jalbum folder was only visible after the first Make.
That's odd. It would only be explained by you keeping "Impose sort order" unchecked. If it's checked and you don't even get a ".jalbum" folder created, the "impose sort order" callback isn't even called, which sounds like a bug to me.
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
22 Dec 20, 18:48
in response to: davidekholm
At least in Lr 10 you can navigate to a plain published collection (i.e. no collection set), now you can drag and drop images to rearrange them.
I think that is not possible in LR 6 and quit frankly I am not missing that because I can do that in jAlbum!
That's odd. It would only be explained by you keeping "Impose sort order" unchecked. If it's checked and you don't even get a ".jalbum" folder created, the "impose sort order" callback isn't even called, which sounds like a bug to me.
I did test it again with 'Impose LR sort order' checked: I deleted the images folder and hit Publish. In the newly created folder I see no .jalbum directory, only after the first Make.
I did the same test with 'Impose LR sort order' cleared: again I see no .jalbum directory after the first Publish action.
Edited by: AndreWolff on 22-Dec-2020 18:49
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
22 Dec 20, 20:12
in response to: AndreWolff
At least in Lr 10 you can navigate to a plain published collection (i.e. no collection set), now you can drag and drop images to rearrange them.
I think that is not possible in LR 6 and quit frankly I am not missing that because I can do that in jAlbum!
That's odd. It would only be explained by you keeping "Impose sort order" unchecked. If it's checked and you don't even get a ".jalbum" folder created, the "impose sort order" callback isn't even called, which sounds like a bug to me.
I did test it again with 'Impose LR sort order' checked: I deleted the images folder and hit Publish. In the newly created folder I see no .jalbum directory, only after the first Make.
I did the same test with 'Impose LR sort order' cleared: again I see no .jalbum directory after the first Publish action.
Edited by: AndreWolff on 22-Dec-2020 18:49
Ok, then it looks like this has been implemented in later versions of Lr. Look into the possibility of selecting a custom sort order in Lighroom. It might be that Lightroom is set to another sort order currently.
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
22 Dec 20, 20:15
in response to: davidekholm
I've updated the plugin again. It's now v 0.7.0. The change I made was to skip the overwrite warning for files younger than 24h. This will make the behavior less annoying but still provide a decent protection against accidental overwrites of old files.
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