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Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
Posted: 19 Dec 20, 16:08   in response to: davidekholm in response to: davidekholm
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davidekholm wrote:
To minimize potential issues, test on a current v10.1 version of Lightroom.
For version 10.1 I have to pay a monthly contribution I think and I am not going to do that.

I think version 6.14 was the last version you could buy and this works fine for me. If I can't use the jAlbum plugin on such a system, it is a pity but the standard Hard Drive publish service does exactly what I did expect from the jAlbum plugin, except of course that jAlbum is not started after a publish action.
However changes in LR are correctly ported by the Hard Drive service to the jAlbum.

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Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
Posted: 19 Dec 20, 16:08   in response to: davidekholm in response to: davidekholm
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Hello David,

I did not install yet, but read this thread as I am informed by mail of each new entry.
Sorry, but I am too on the latest LR which one can purchase without regular payments, that is 6.14 as far as I know. So I might have the same problems.

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Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
Posted: 20 Dec 20, 12:39   in response to: RuudWesterhout in response to: RuudWesterhout
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I believe I've found the bug in the jAlbum Lr plugin that has caused trouble for some users seeing updated metadata or image changes appearing in jAlbum. It never manfested on my machines, but does manifest if you have multiple disk volumes (C:, D:...) I guess that applies to you André. Just get the update from

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Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
Posted: 20 Dec 20, 13:26   in response to: davidekholm in response to: davidekholm
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I have indeed multiple disks C:, I: and K:

To start with this new version, I see two new issues:
  • Folder jalbum.lrplugin contains a file which is incorrect I think,
  • During the set-up I see again as 'My Albums location: 'K:\Users\Andre\Document.\My Albums' instead of my location Preferences Project location 'I:\Pictures'. I thought this was repaired?

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Registered: 18-Oct-2002
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
Posted: 20 Dec 20, 15:22   in response to: AndreWolff in response to: AndreWolff
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AndreWolff wrote:
I have indeed multiple disks C:, I: and K:

To start with this new version, I see two new issues:

  • Folder jalbum.lrplugin contains a file which is incorrect I think,

Yes, don't know how that happened (not that it matters really). Now removed.

* During the set-up I see again as 'My Albums location: 'K:\Users\Andre\Document.\My Albums' instead of my location Preferences Project location 'I:\Pictures'. I thought this was repaired?

It's not yet implemented to read the preferences from jAlbum, but I plan to do so. If you reload the plugin instead of removing and re-adding it, then the plugin should remember your updated path.

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Registered: 14-Dec-2007
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
Posted: 20 Dec 20, 19:02   in response to: davidekholm in response to: davidekholm
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Is it not a good idea to distribute the plugin as part of the jAlbum setup in one of the jAlbum program folders, so that the user has not to download it? Perhaps it is then easier for the plugin to get access to the Preferences parameters.

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Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
Posted: 20 Dec 20, 22:48   in response to: AndreWolff in response to: AndreWolff
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AndreWolff wrote:
Is it not a good idea to distribute the plugin as part of the jAlbum setup in one of the jAlbum program folders, so that the user has not to download it? Perhaps it is then easier for the plugin to get access to the Preferences parameters.

Yes, it might be. The idea has crossed my mind, but I want at least to iron out any rough edges and bugs. I've updated the plugin again now. Now it's able to pick up the "My Albums" path from jAlbum if you start from scratch with the plugin. I've also made it ask users whether to skip or replace files with colliding names on publish (unless "Overwrite existing jAlbum files" is checked). This makes it less likely to need to check "Overwrite existing jAlbum files" as one might as well click the "Replace" button when this dialogue shows.

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Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
Posted: 20 Dec 20, 23:25   in response to: davidekholm in response to: davidekholm
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davidekholm wrote:
AndreWolff wrote:
Is it not a good idea to distribute the plugin as part of the jAlbum setup in one of the jAlbum program folders, so that the user has not to download it? Perhaps it is then easier for the plugin to get access to the Preferences parameters.

Yes, it might be. The idea has crossed my mind,

Having it installed similar to ffmpeg, on demand that is, would be fine. But as a lot of users don’t use LR, I for one would consider it unwanted bloatware. Please don’t include it as part of the standard download.

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Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
Posted: 20 Dec 20, 23:35   in response to: RobM in response to: RobM
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RobM wrote:
...I for one would consider it unwanted bloatware.

My reaction, as well.

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Registered: 14-Dec-2007
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
Posted: 21 Dec 20, 11:50   in response to: davidekholm in response to: davidekholm
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Attachment PluginError.png (7.2 KB)
davidekholm wrote:
I've updated the plugin again now. Now it's able to pick up the "My Albums" path from jAlbum if you start from scratch with the plugin.

My Album path is now OK, but publish fails, see attached screenshot

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Registered: 18-Oct-2002
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
Posted: 21 Dec 20, 12:26   in response to: AndreWolff in response to: AndreWolff
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AndreWolff wrote:
davidekholm wrote:
I've updated the plugin again now. Now it's able to pick up the "My Albums" path from jAlbum if you start from scratch with the plugin.
Without any further actions of you, my last reply:

My Album path is now OK, but publish fails, see attached screenshot

Interesting... I've updated the plugin again to give more information, in this case the plugin couldn't create the project file, but it doesn't tell where it tried to create it. Install the update and pass me the new, hopefully more informative error message that should include the path to the file it attempted to create, but failed to create.

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Registered: 14-Dec-2007
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
Posted: 21 Dec 20, 14:21   in response to: davidekholm in response to: davidekholm
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davidekholm wrote:
Interesting... I've updated the plugin again to give more information, in this case the plugin couldn't create the project file, but it doesn't tell where it tried to create it. Install the update and pass me the new, hopefully more informative error message that should include the path to the file it attempted to create, but failed to create.
I don't see a path in the warning.

But let me summarize my latest experience with your plugin:

  • With a complete new installation, the setup shows as My Albums location "I\:
    Pictures (not correctly displayed here, see WronglyCopiedPrefferences.png) instead of I:\Pictures as has been entered as Projectfolder in the Preferences. No album is created if I publish a test-1 collection.j
  • If I correct the My Albums location into I:\Pictures the album is correctly created in folder I:\Pictures\test-1 but jAlbum is no longer automatically opened as was done in earlier versions.
  • I have always both check-marks "Impose Lightrooms sort order" and "Overwrite existing jAlbum files" set. But still the order of images in jAlbum is sometimes different from LR, see WrongSortOrderZandvoort.png. The last 3 images in LR are: 160818-115014_Haarlem-Pano.dng, 160818-123038_Haarlem-Pano.dng and 160818-124036_Haarlem.dng, In jAlbum the last 3 images are: 160818-115014_Haarlem-Pano.jpg, 160818-124036_Haarlem.jpg and 160818-123038_Haarlem-Pano.jpg. By repeating the sequence Select images, Create published collection test-x, Publish I see sometimes the correct sequence and sometimes the incorrect sequences.
  • In the latest version, the updates of images done in LR are now correctly ported to jAlbum, but each editted image changes the sequence, see EditChangeSequence.png One picture is made B&W and two captions have been changed. These images are moved to the end.
  • With the old verion of the plugin I noticed: If you change a comment in jAlbum, it is not moved to LR in the next Publish action (check-box 'Overwrite existing jAlbum files' has been set)', new comments are only moved if the corresponding field in LR is empty. For users of Olympus camera's this will never work, because all EXIF caption fields contain initially the text 'OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA'. So this will only work if the plug-in compares the jAlbum comment with the LR EXIF caption and if these are different, the jAlbum text could be ported to LR, but each text has to be confirmed and not just one confirmation for all changed text.
  • But with the latest version no comments at all are ported from jAlbum to LR, I don't see a confirm message.
  • If you publish a new album and jAlbum is opened, you see that the selected skin is 'Tiger' instead of the skin set with File / Save as standard, which is used if you select File / New in jAlbum.

Posts: 3,625
Registered: 18-Oct-2002
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
Posted: 21 Dec 20, 17:02   in response to: AndreWolff in response to: AndreWolff
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Thanks André. I needed to unescape backslashes when reading the defaults.jap property file (each \ is stored as
in the .jap files). Didn't notice this as I tested on Mac which uses forward slashes as path separator. I also again enabled the album to open in jAlbum after publish. It should actually do so anyway as I expect Lightroom to call the "Impose sort order" callback after a successful publish, and that callback in turn triggers the project to open in jAlbum, but it seems like Lightroom has a peculiar logic as when to call this callback. The problem is basically that Lighroom doesn't always call this callback which probably explains why you don't always see images in the right order. The workaround for now is to rearrange two images followed by right clicking that collection and select "Publish now".

I guess that now unescaping the double backslashes which fixes the "My Albums" path, also fixes the problem you reported with the project file not being created.

On the problem with the wrong skin being picked, this is something I'll probably address by a jAlbum update

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Registered: 18-Oct-2002
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
Posted: 21 Dec 20, 17:36   in response to: davidekholm in response to: davidekholm
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New plugin update: Now (on 1:st publish) the default skin and style is also picked up from jAlbum Preferences.

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Registered: 14-Dec-2007
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
Posted: 21 Dec 20, 18:38   in response to: davidekholm in response to: davidekholm
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davidekholm wrote:
New plugin update: Now (on 1:st publish) the default skin and style is also picked up from jAlbum Preferences.
yes that works now as expected.

Personally I find it strange that the default value for 'Overwriting existing jAlbums' is un-checked , because that is the power of a plug-in: just update images which are updated in LR.
If you leave this unchecked, you cas as well use an Export action!
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