New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
9 Dec 20, 21:53
I'm proud to announce that we've now developed a new, vastly improved plugin for Adobe's Lightroom Classic software (aka "Lightroom"). It's called jAlbum Publisher and is technically a publisher plugin: This plugin allows you to set up and manage "collections" and "collection sets" within Lightroom which are mapped towards jAlbum galleries. Every time you publish from this plugin, new and modified images are exported from Ligthtroom to jAlbum (a folder under the "My Albums" location). Finally, the corresponding jAlbum project is opened in jAlbum for further editing, album making and final publishing to a web site of your choice.
Read all about it and download it here:
I appreciate comments on this plugin here
Main plugin UI, showing a more complex gallery:
Overview in Lightroom:
Corresponding project in jAlbum:

Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
13 Dec 20, 19:27
in response to: davidekholm
Wow, I thought I would be the only Lightroom Classic user around. If You are making a plugin for the old LR, there must be more users like me.
I dislike the idea of being forced to keep paying monthly, so I just keep using my old version. Adobe does not seem to understand the are loosing money on customers like me, but whatever.
I'll be installing and playing with this when I have some time, will probably be until X-mas until I do. For now, I will upload old-school.
But Thanks a lot, even though I do not know what it will look like (for me).
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
14 Dec 20, 15:10
in response to: davidekholm
Plugin updated:
- Now handles excluded images too (became re-included on the next publish earlier)
- Now preserves "Date added"
- The auto-creation of a sub collection under collection sets is now optional, and you can change the default name from "contents" under Settings
- Doesn't restrict the output format to JPEG only. I advice to use JPEG and unscaled images as source for jAlbum though.
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
14 Dec 20, 17:48
in response to: davidekholm
jAlbum 23.1 users. Do a core update to v23.1 to have the "Output directory location" preference respected for projects created from the Lightroom Publish plugin
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
14 Dec 20, 18:01
in response to: RuudWesterhout
Hello David,
Just for correct understanding. I understand LR Classic to be the licensed version which was paid once (perpetual) and does not ask for regular payments anymore.
I find it hard to believe they still invest in it, I did not receive any update since 2017. I am on version 6.14
Lightroom version: 6.14 1149743
License: Perpetual
I have been using it with a plug-in from Juicebox until I decided I need a change. I found jAlbum and gave it a try. Since then I have to websites:
-directly from LightRoom by Juicebox Plug-in through FTP to site 1
-export from LightRoom to a jAlbum Folder. Opening jAlbum and creating a new version of the website, photos are added automatically. Creating the website by jAlbum and upload to my site 2 with WS_FTP from Ipswitch.
I admit that the first site is updated faster as it is less hassle. Therefore I like the idea of your plug-in.
So if it works on my version of LightRoom I will be trying it out.
If, on the other hand, we misunderstand each other and I need a CreativeCloud version of LightRoom, then I am out. Do not like the idea.
I am too afraid that after maybe 10 years or so I will decide I do not use LR CC enough and want to stop paying. How an I use the album I have created in that latest version of LR with my old software. For the same reason I dislike changing my old Photoshop, etc etc I am still using the Creative Suites which I purchased ages ago.
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
14 Dec 20, 20:02
in response to: RuudWesterhout
Just to clarify, this plugin is not for the Creative Cloud version of Lightroom. It's for "Lightroom Classic", formerly know as "Lightroom" only.
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
19 Dec 20, 07:39
in response to: davidekholm
Yes it is a great thing got some rough sides at the moment like you cannot repulish with changed meta data but I m sure that will come/
Well done valuable enough to me to ask where can I donate to your efforts
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
19 Dec 20, 09:33
in response to: arthurhh
Just right click the plugin and choose "Edit settings". Now tick "Overwrite existing jAlbum files". This will solve these problems. Just remember to not make edits like changing titles, ratings and such metadata to these images within jAlbum, as such edits will be overwritten when you publish the same images from Lightroom next time.
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
19 Dec 20, 09:36
in response to: davidekholm
Just right click the plugin and choose "Edit settings". Now tick "Overwrite existing jAlbum files". This will solve these problems.
Incorrect, I did set this check-mark in my tests.
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
19 Dec 20, 09:50
in response to: arthurhh
Yes it is a great thing got some rough sides at the moment like you cannot repulish with changed meta data but I m sure that will come/
Well done valuable enough to me to ask where can I donate to your efforts
I forgot to say thank you for your comments and link to our donate page 
I hope the "Overwrite existing jAlbum files" setting will make you a happy user of this plugin. It sounds more dramatic than it is. As long as you make your edits within Lightroom and not jAlbum, you won't lose any metadata.
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
19 Dec 20, 09:54
in response to: arthurhh
why don't you do the test yourself: set the check-mark, publish a collection, change in LR a caption of an image, convert in LR another colored image in B&W and republish the results. You will see no effect in jAlbum.
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
19 Dec 20, 10:00
in response to: AndreWolff
Just right click the plugin and choose "Edit settings". Now tick "Overwrite existing jAlbum files". This will solve these problems.
Incorrect, I did set this check-mark in my tests.
Try this with "Overwrite existing jAlbum files" checked:
1) Edit the tone curve or crop an image for instance
2) Ensure that the image is now positioned in the "To be published" section. If not, right click its collection and select "Mark for re-publish"
3) Right click that collection and select "Publish now"
4) The edited image should now be updated within jAlbum too
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
19 Dec 20, 10:05
in response to: AndreWolff
why don't you do the test yourself: set the check-mark, publish a collection, change in LR a caption of an image, convert in LR another colored image in B&W and republish the results. You will see no effect in jAlbum.
Exactly that procedure works on both my Lr 10.1 (Mac) anc Lr 10.0 (Windows) machine. That's why. I've so far heard from one more user that metadata doesn't make it through, so there might be some Lightroom setting or bug that only affects some, but it's very hard for me to debug problems that don't manifest here.
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
19 Dec 20, 15:12
in response to: davidekholm
but it's very hard for me to debug problems that don't manifest here.
I do understand that, but if you can't test on the same type of system I use, that does not automatically means that the reported issue does not exist.
I did report this issue already in my first message in this thread, which you did delete. I said there that I did test it on a Windows 10 system with Lightroom version 6.14
All other issues I found, from which you did correct 2 issues, are found on the same system, so may be this are no issues on your systems or you did not test it. But why should someboddy who tries to help you report fake issues?
Anyhow I can tell you that my images are not always positioned in the "To be published" section after an edit. And even if they are placed in that section. They stay in that section if I do a Publish action. If I first select 'Mark to Republish' and next do a Publish, the images disappear from the "To be published" section. But still the edits are not visible in jAlbum.
Re: New jAlbum Lightroom plugin
19 Dec 20, 15:49
in response to: AndreWolff
I don't doubt error reports just because the error doesn't manifest here.
It might be that Lr 6 is too old. The oldest version I was allowed to enter compatibility to when uploading the plugin to Adobe was 7. This said, it seems like some users of modern Lightroom versions have problems with metadata and this plugin, so it's not a clear cut case. To minimize potential issues, test on a current v10.1 version of Lightroom.
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