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Registered: 20-Nov-2009
Settings Tabs... Pre configurable 'Jump to Target' Option
Posted: 27 Oct 19, 09:31
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Hopefully I haven't missed something thats already there, but here goes....

After David showed the way with the new search facility that jAlbum now has,
I wondered if I might ask about this Settings Navigation 'Jump' option.

I have a lot of albums and have been updating certain features so have been
using the Settings option huge amount recently and drilling into the tabs every time to reach my target.

This maybe something thats skin specific though, however my request is for a new search option that maybe could sit right next to the Settings button in the little unused area, it would be able to take me straight to the settings tab that I am using a lot thats buried deep in the settings window, as it would be pre configurable to target that specific tab, or any other.

I am not able to keep remembering the hot keys that might do this. but just thought I would ask.

I have attached a modified screen shot of what I wondered, for you to see...

I wonder too whether or not an 'Import Settings from Album Project' could be conveniently added to the list of available targets in the list...

Anyway, its just an idea and I hope I haven't missed something obvious.


Regards, Peter

Posts: 3,479
Registered: 18-Oct-2002
Re: Settings Tabs... Pre configurable 'Jump to Target' Option
Posted: 27 Oct 19, 14:45   in response to: PeterGibb in response to: PeterGibb
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A clever idea Peter, but isn't it far less needed now that you can simply hit CTRL+Space to bring up the search bar and type a few characters from the deeply located setting you wish to reach? Once this has been done once, you can simply hit the settings button to bring up the same panel again (during the same session). I find myself using jAlbum's search bar for any setting these days.

What do you mean by "Import settings from album project"? There is one such function under File->Import.

Posts: 248
Registered: 20-Nov-2009
Re: Settings Tabs... Pre configurable 'Jump to Target' Option
Posted: 27 Oct 19, 15:16   in response to: davidekholm in response to: davidekholm
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Yes David Thankyou,

I know there is already an import settings function, I use it all the time, as do I the ctr/space option, that really is brilliant.

In only a few years I shall be 70 years old, my time has flown and I am not great at remembering as much as I used to. I sometimes sit and think 'now what was that set of key strokes again'...

I dont do this normally, but have to say I think that this new idea is pretty good, for me anyway, it is only an idea after all and could occupy that little area just where it should be..

I shall continue as I am, its fine, but I sometimes have to edit literally dozens and dozens of albums to update them, and a constant typing of some key strokes and keys can get tedious.

But thats just me, so dont worry, it was just an idea. 'Import Setting' is after all a 'Setting' and I think it would have a place in there. My thought was to use the right mouse button to open a menu in a small jAlbum style window, scroll to the setting you want to jump to and then press 'Ok'..

That setting would be locked in until you decided to change it.... It would be invaluable...


jAlbum is still the most astonishing thing I have ever used.

Keep it Up!

Regards, Peter

Edited by: PeterGibb on 27-Oct-2019 16:03

Posts: 3,479
Registered: 18-Oct-2002
Re: Settings Tabs... Pre configurable 'Jump to Target' Option
Posted: 27 Oct 19, 18:08   in response to: PeterGibb in response to: PeterGibb
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Thanks Peter. Will do.
As for remembering key strokes, simply remember that they are written next to each menu item. All you need to know is that "Search" is located under the "Help" menu.

Posts: 248
Registered: 20-Nov-2009
Re: Settings Tabs... Pre configurable 'Jump to Target' Option
Posted: 27 Oct 19, 19:05   in response to: davidekholm in response to: davidekholm
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Thanks David

I shall try to remember them.

Meanwhile I still think a swift click on a preset spy glass would be brilliant.

All this has made me look deeper into jAlbum, and I really don't know
how you do it, let alone remember it all, your team have done an unbelievable job, as have the people who write the skins.

Thank You

Regards, Peter

Posts: 3,840
Registered: 4-Aug-2006
Re: Settings Tabs... Pre configurable 'Jump to Target' Option
Posted: 27 Oct 19, 22:35   in response to: PeterGibb in response to: PeterGibb
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PeterGibb wrote:
Thanks David

I shall try to remember them.

There is a complete list of keyboard shortcuts and modifiers listed by both keystrokes and action performed.
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