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11 Feb 23, 08:06
Last Post By: PhilippeCharles
Projector - Bug report - Full screen does not work on Android mobile
2 Oct 19, 23:41
I have updated one of my album with the latest version of the "projector" skin:
This album is setup so that the slideshow start automatically when you select one of the 8 photo topics (i.e. you don't have to click on the "turn table" control).
- On a PC everything works fine.
- On an Android mobile, the slideshow starts but the web address bar is still displayed on top (i.e. this is not full screen).
- But if you stop the slideshow and restart it with the "play" button ... then everything is fine.
Btw, I really like this "Projector" skin: it will replace the "Turtle" skin I was using previously by default .
Re: Projector skin - Bug report - Full screen does not work on Android mobile
3 Oct 19, 00:50
in response to: PhilippeCharles
It doesn't start in fullscreen in any browser on my Macbook - Chrome, Firefox, or Safari.
I don't think any album can start in fullscreen in any browser without some user interaction. In other words, the user has to click on something to enter fullscreen. This is a security measure. Entering a new folder is the same as opening a new page - it can't start in fullscreen without some further user interaction.
Re: Projector skin - Bug report - Full screen does not work on Android mobile
3 Oct 19, 22:23
in response to: JeffTucker
Hello jGromit,
Thank you for your quick response.
But in fact, the full screen display I was refering to is once you have selected one item in the main page of my album (thus a user interaction).
The comparison between a PC and a mobile is quite obvious in this case: it works perfectly on a PC.
Furthermore, I am quite sure this is a possible regression vs earlier versions of Projector: I can't remind having had this issue earlier this year.
Re: Projector skin - Bug report - Full screen does not work on Android mobile
3 Oct 19, 23:09
in response to: PhilippeCharles
I'm sorry, but viewing your album on a Macbook Air, I do not get true fullscreen just by clicking on one of the folders, like "Centro Historico." I get fullscreen only if I click on the "Démarrer diaporama" icon at lower left. If I then go to a different folder, I once again do not get fullscreen without clicking that icon - I simply get a normal browser window with an address bar.
Re: Projector skin - Bug report - Full screen does not work on Android mobile
4 Oct 19, 10:25
in response to: PhilippeCharles
Going full screen automatically is disabled in all browsers today due to security reasons. So nothing has changed in the skin, it's the browsers has changed.
Re: Projector skin - Bug report - Full screen does not work on Android mobile
4 Oct 19, 15:28
in response to: JeffTucker
Thank you both for your quick responses.
The fact is however that on my 2 PCs running Win7 64 bits and Chrome 77.0.3865.90 (a recent version), I get to full screen once I click on one of my topic folder e.g. "centro historico" ?!
The "full screen" display is set from the "projector" settings when starting a slide show: so it does require a user action to enable this behavior.
I don't see why this should be a problem ... or are we talking about something else?
Edit: it also works with Internet Explorer 11 (old stuff!).
Edited by: PhilippeCharles on 04-Oct-2019 15:33
Re: Projector skin - Bug report - Full screen does not work on Android mobile
4 Oct 19, 15:59
in response to: PhilippeCharles
I think you might be misunderstanding the term "fullscreen." Automatic entry into true fullscreen mode is disabled in every current browser (not sure what IE11 does, but no one is using it).
When I click on "Centro Historico," I get what you see in the notfullscreen.png screenshot. If I click on the left and start the automated slideshow, I get what you see in the fullscreen.png screenshot. These are taken in Firefox, but the result in Chrome is the same.
I believe there is some deep setting in Chrome that removes the blocking, but I haven't experimented with that. But of course, you can't change the settings of your site visitors' browsers.
Re: Projector skin - Bug report - Full screen does not work on Android mobile
4 Oct 19, 17:02
in response to: JeffTucker
Thank you jGromit for this detailed feedback !
We have the same understanding of fullscreen (i.e. for me this means removing entirely the web address upper control, this is what I am after for mobile screen where it takes lots of unnecessary space).
So amazingly, what I get on my PC is actually your "fullscreen.png" directly.
Edit: added screen shot, which shows that indeed Chrome has activated the "fullscreen" mode.
Edited by: PhilippeCharles on 04-Oct-2019 17:09
Re: Projector skin - Bug report - Full screen does not work on Android mobile
4 Oct 19, 17:42
in response to: PhilippeCharles
I have to assume that you have changed some setting in Chrome to defeat the normal security measures. Either that, or it's a miracle.
Re: Projector skin - Bug report - Full screen does not work on Android mobile
5 Oct 19, 16:42
in response to: JeffTucker
The only parameter I have changed in Chrome is the start page , nothing else.
However I still don't follow you and Laza about your common statement "Going full screen automatically is disabled in all browsers today due to security reasons":
- This demand is fairly obvious for safety reason when you access a web site ... but not when another web page is launched within the site with a user interaction: where is the problem ?
If this would be a generic problem, why then has the "Projector" skin the following setting:
- "projector" tab > "Lightbox" tab > "Main image" horizontal tab > "Open in Full screen" checkbox.
- This is what I have used to get this behavior, combined with the "Automatic start" checkbox (next to previous).
Note also, that when this setting is made, the web page geometrical parameters are set without the web address command bar being displayed ... which means that everything is offseted at the bottom when the address bar is accidently visible (not being full screen), e.g. the image comments are not visible anymore.
So there are 2 cases:
- either the "Open in Full screen" checkbox should not be there (but I like this feature ),
- Or this is definitivelly a bug.
Re: Projector skin - Bug report - Full screen does not work on Android mobile
5 Oct 19, 16:52
in response to: PhilippeCharles
However I still don't follow you and Laza about your common statement "Going full screen automatically is disabled in all browsers today due to security reasons":
- This demand is fairly obvious for safety reason when you access a web site ... but not when another web page is launched within the site with a user interaction: where is the problem ?
When you open a folder in the album, you are opening a new web page. It's not opening that folder within the starting index page. It is a completely new page - the browser has no idea that you're coming from a related page.
Re: Projector skin - Bug report - Full screen does not work on Android mobile
5 Oct 19, 17:08
in response to: PhilippeCharles
That button is not placed properly. Should be next to the Slideshow delay for example. Or labeled "Go full screen when starting slideshow". The page goes full screen only when you press "Start slideshow" or start by keyboard. This way the user interaction is already given, so the page is allowed to go full screen. Unfortunately when the page starts the slideshow there's no user interaction, so even if it tries, it can't go full screen.
Going full screen automatically can mimic the users homescreen for example or mimic a settings page, which is a security risk. I don't know how they tried to exploit this, but surely it is forbidden today.
Re: Projector skin - Bug report - Full screen does not work on Android mobile
5 Oct 19, 17:09
in response to: PhilippeCharles
Note also, that when this setting is made, the web page geometrical parameters are set without the web address command bar being displayed ... which means that everything is offseted at the bottom when the address bar is accidently visible (not being full screen), e.g. the image comments are not visible anymore.
I have never seen that happen. I honestly have no idea what you're talking about. The image comments are always visible, fullscreen or not.
At the very least, you should do some aggressive cleaning of your browser cache. It might be a good idea to reinstall the browser, too. You seem to be encountering behavior that no one else has ever reported, and that no one else can replicate.
You're not doing something like viewing this album from within an iframe, are you? That's the only explanation I can think of.
ETA: I have managed to reproduce the "disappearing comment" problem. It happens if you exit fullscreen mode during the slideshow by hitting ESC. But I can do it only in Safari, not in Chrome or Firefox. ETA: Even in Safari, I can't do it consistently - it appears to be a timing issue, as if the page is already preparing to show the next slide when you exit fullscreen mode, so it is momentarily confused about the viewport dimensions.
Also, do not view the album with the jAlbum "browser bar" visible. It seems to be OK, but that's just a complicating factor. Use the direct URL for the album:
Re: Projector skin - Bug report - Full screen does not work on Android mobile
5 Oct 19, 19:48
in response to: JeffTucker
First of all, thanks both of you for your time spent answering this issue .
"When you open a folder in the album, you are opening a new web page. It's not opening that folder within the starting index page. It is a completely new page - the browser has no idea that you're coming from a related page."
OK, understood: I though pages were indexed with some hierarchie from the starting page.
Re: Projector skin - Bug report - Full screen does not work on Android mobile
5 Oct 19, 19:57
in response to: JeffTucker
"I have managed to reproduce the "disappearing comment" problem. It happens if you exit fullscreen mode during the slideshow by hitting ESC."
My problem is only on my Android mobile, not on my PC (where everything works fine).
"I have never seen that happen. I honestly have no idea what you're talking about. The image comments are always visible, fullscreen or not."
See the attached screenshot from my Android mobile.
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