Last Post:
27 Mar 19, 12:47
Last Post By: JeffTucker
Reading the variables changes them?
26 Mar 19, 20:24
This takes the prize for "strangest effect of the week."
At the top of the init.bsh file of Minimal, insert these lines: for(AlbumObject ao : rootFolder.getChildren()) {
Map thesevars = ao.getVars();
Obviously, this isn't actually doing anything - I've stripped this down from what I was tinkering with.
In Minimal, fixed-shape thumbnails are the default. With that code in init.bsh, add a couple of non-square images (so you can see the effect), Make Album, and look at the result. The actual thumbnails have, in fact, been created in the output with a fixed shape (square, per the default bounds). But on the page, they're shown with their non-fixed-shape bounds! When processing index.htt, the thumbHeight is being mis-reported, and gets plugged into the HTML.
Comment out those three lines, and Make All. The thumbnails are correct again.
Why would simply looking at an object's variables do this? Is Heisenberg involved in this somehow?
If you put those lines at the end of init.bsh, the error doesn't occur. And if you do the same routine in predir.bsh (using currentFolder instead of rootFolder, of course), there's no problem.
If you try to create a recursive routine like this, you get a "parse error," and I have no idea why: private void traverse(AlbumObject thisfolder) {
for(AlbumObject obj : thisfolder.getChildren()) {
if(obj.isFolder()) traverse(obj);
else Map thesevars = obj.getVars();
Please tell me I'm doing something obviously dopey.
Re: Reading the variables changes them?
26 Mar 19, 22:25
in response to: JeffTucker
This takes the prize for "strangest effect of the week."
At the top of the init.bsh file of Minimal, insert these lines: for(AlbumObject ao : rootFolder.getChildren()) {
Map thesevars = ao.getVars();
Obviously, this isn't actually doing anything - I've stripped this down from what I was tinkering with.
In Minimal, fixed-shape thumbnails are the default. With that code in init.bsh, add a couple of non-square images (so you can see the effect), Make Album, and look at the result. The actual thumbnails have, in fact, been created in the output with a fixed shape (square, per the default bounds). But on the page, they're shown with their non-fixed-shape bounds! When processing index.htt, the thumbHeight is being mis-reported, and gets plugged into the HTML.
Comment out those three lines, and Make All. The thumbnails are correct again.
Why would simply looking at an object's variables do this? Is Heisenberg involved in this somehow?
If you put those lines at the end of init.bsh, the error doesn't occur. And if you do the same routine in predir.bsh (using currentFolder instead of rootFolder, of course), there's no problem.
It seems to be related to fixed shape filter as adding it before doesn't work but anywhere after that code does. Good mystery though
If you try to create a recursive routine like this, you get a "parse error," and I have no idea why: private void traverse(AlbumObject thisfolder) {
for(AlbumObject obj : thisfolder.getChildren()) {
if(obj.isFolder()) traverse(obj);
else Map thesevars = obj.getVars();
Please tell me I'm doing something obviously dopey.
You are obviously doing something dopey
Now, if you add braces around the else statement it works - magic! else {Map thesevars = obj.getVars();}
Re: Reading the variables changes them?
26 Mar 19, 22:40
in response to: RobM
Now, if you add braces around the else statement it works - magic! else {Map thesevars = obj.getVars();}
Well, yes, it does, but, but, but.... In Java, the curly braces are optional if the clause contains only one statement! BeanShell weirdness at work?
ETA: I was puzzled, because I do these "brace-less" one-liners all over the place, but with a critical difference. Guess what else works? This: else thesevars = obj.getVars();
Something about the typing is what trips it up.
Of course, this still screws up the fixed-shape routine. Well, not really - as I said earlier, the thumbnails in the output really are square! It's just the thumbHeight that's coughing up the wrong value.
Re: Reading the variables changes them?
26 Mar 19, 23:22
in response to: JeffTucker
ETA: I was puzzled, because I do these "brace-less" one-liners all over the place, but with a critical difference. Guess what else works? This: else thesevars = obj.getVars();
Something about the typing is what trips it up.
I've tended lately to always use braces, though often it is because I end up going back and adding stuff and end up needing them, sort of pre-emptive laziness
Re: Reading the variables changes them?
27 Mar 19, 11:30
in response to: RobM
Correct |
Don't we all love BeanShell? . I must admit however that I've never seen a variable declaration in a single statement else clause. There's really no point in such code as the variable is discarded as soon as the else clause is done.
Now to the problem: It comes from the lazy instantiation of the variables bound to each album object. The 1:st call to getVars() causes the variables to be instantiated (set up), but if you, at that time haven't added the image filters to the engine, then the effect of applying, for instance the FixedShapeFilter to thumbnails isn't taken into account when calculating the width and height variables for thumbnails.
Background: jAlbum processes pages before processing images. This design allows page processing scriptlets to adjust the image processing and allows page processing without image processing. However, this design requires each image filter to be queried for how they affect the image sizes at page-processing time. (It's then up to each image filter to fulfill this promise when generating the actual image). Image filters can tell jAlbum that they actually affect the image size and that they want to be queried about this by implementing the ModifiesSize interface.
Re: Reading the variables changes them?
27 Mar 19, 12:47
in response to: davidekholm
Don't we all love BeanShell? . I must admit however that I've never seen a variable declaration in a single statement else clause. There's really no point in such code as the variable is discarded as soon as the else clause is done.
It's just an accident, in this case, since I kept stripping things out to track down the source of the error, and was left with a one-liner. Once I looked at all my other one-line else clauses (my init.bsh files are loaded with them), I quickly realized what the difference was - no typing. But the variables aren't discarded, thank dog. I have loads of stuff like this: if(infopageAutowidth) ipWidth = indexPageWidth;
else ipWidth = Math.min(indexPageWidth, infopageWidth);
If ipWidth were discarded, my remaining template pages would be in trouble!
Now to the problem: It comes from the lazy instantiation of the variables bound to each album object. The 1:st call to getVars() causes the variables to be instantiated (set up), but if you, at that time haven't added the image filters to the engine, then the effect of applying, for instance the FixedShapeFilter to thumbnails isn't taken into account when calculating the width and height variables for thumbnails.
Yes, I had spotted the fact that the width and height were being misreported, but since the filter hadn't been loaded, that was not a surprise. The surprise was that the later use of those variables was also affected, even though nothing was being "put" anywhere!
I had a feeling this was down to some processing "efficiency," normally hidden from view. I'm surprised I never ran into it before, but the only "traverse the tree" things I'm doing aren't doing a getVars(), or they're being done for a single folder in predir.bsh, which is safe.
Moral of the story: do your tree traversals at the end of init.bsh, or do them non-recursively in predir.bsh.
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