There is currently no GPS metadata support for videos in jAlbum, The attached tool will populate jAlbum's gpsLocation, gpsLatitude and gpsLongitude variables with the video's GPS data (e.g. 59.328945,18.065011).
Any skin that supports those variables for video will use them and the GPS data will be presented on the album’s page. For skins that don’t support video GPS it creates a
Google Maps URL link, variable 'gMap', and puts it on the clipboard, ready for pasting in the comments field, for example. The tool uses jAlbum’s embedded ffmpeg to get the GPS metadata in a video.
A simplified version will populate just gpsLocation and gMap variables, as the majority of current skins use just gpsLocation.
Both versions allow you to enter positive values without the '+' character being used. You can also enter comma or period for the decimal point.
To use the tools:
In jAlbum's explore mode select the video you want to get the GPS data from. Run the tool:
Tools > External tools > Video GPS metadata.
instructions for more details
Edited by: RobM on 08-Dec-2020 23:09
Updated original tool and added simplified version, both work with manual input of a decimal separator using comma or period. Both will strip out the degrees character from manual entries, pasted from Google Earth etc.
Edited by: RobM on 08-Dec-2020 21:46
Edited by: RobM on 24 Oct 2022, 23:31
Added a Groovy versions