Hunting down good WOFF font files can be time-consuming. jAlbum user
rfm2 put together a collection of script-style fonts:
Give the page a minute to load. These aren't screenshots of the WOFF fonts - that page is actually loading all of the fonts.
Many "decorative" fonts look best when used at large font sizes, in places like titles. At smaller sizes, they're inclined to become unreadable.
Some skins (most of my current skins, for example) have built-in support for WOFF's. In others, it's not particularly difficult to use them, with a bit of tweaking. In short, create a
res folder in your project, stash the WOFF file in it, then add this to the skin's CSS:
At the top of the CSS file:
@font-face {
font-family: "AguafinaScript-Regular";
src: url("AguafinaScript-Regular.woff") format("woff");
Then, apply that font to whatever class you want (with a fallback
font stack, just in case):
.titlebar {
font-family: "AguafinaScript-Regular", Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;